Lips of an Angel Chapt 2.

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So, after lunch everything was normal. I was at my locker after the last period putting my books in when I saw Josh walk up the hallway. Weird? Josh's locker is upstairs, and so is his last period, why didn't he go out that door? He hasn't been in this hallway since we broke up! This is the art wing.

"So Ash, you comin tonight?"

"Hey Josh, yeah I think so, I've gotta go home and change. I'm pretty sure it's going to be cold, and lets face it, you know I don't wear this kind of stuff to parties"

"Yeah, but you do look good in it, well I'll see you later I guess"

And with that, Caiman came up to my locker grabbing me from behind on my waist and looked horribly at Josh before Josh walked away, of course not before making a scene and winking at me, then walking past Caiman and saying "She was mine first"

"Why were you talking to Josh, and why did he just wink at you?" Caiman looked mad. Of course he would though, Josh is my ex.

"Oh, I don't know he just said happy birthday, and asked me about the party" I spit out before closing my locker and trying to make my way to the truck.

"Wait?! He's going?!!! Is that why you wanna go??"

"No, Caman stop being so jealous. Yes he's going, no thats not why I want to go"

"It better not be, your my girlfriend now, not his"

We walked out to the truck and he kissed my forehead before I jumped up into my seat and he shut my door and went over to his camero. Ew. Small cars are so weird. But his is a classic so I'll forgive him. I pulled out of the school and went past all the houses to get to mine. I turned into my driveway to notice that my moms car wasn't there, big surprise. I left my books in the truck and jumped down and walked inside.

"Dear Ashleigh,

Here's $100, Happy 17th birthday baby girl.

Sorry I couldn't be here to show you how lucky

I am to have you. The hospital called me in early.

Love, Mom"

Yeah what a surprise, well I guess I can't be mad. I love my mom and since my dad and her aren't together anymore she still needs to make up for the bills that she pays for herself. But it's just me and her, so I guess it's not to bad. I walked upstairs after shoving the money into my back pocket and flipped open my laptop. I turned on my windows media player and "Bed" by J. Holiday was on. I turned it up and went into my bathroom to look myself over and figure out what I wanted to do about tonight. I figured I'd wear jeans of some sort, and a tank top. It's not to cold outside yet. So I guess thats what I'll do. Maybe I'll wear a tank top and a zip-up hoodie just incase. Just then I heard my phone go off.

-The way you smile, the way you smell it drives me wild

And, I can't go on without you-

I'm real-Ja Rule && Ashanti.

That means it's Caiman. I flipped it open and sure enough there was a text from Caiman.

"I'm wearin black and red nike high tops, black ecko jeans with a red design on the pockets, a black beater and a black and red sox hat. Try to match, we look cute when we do that(:"

Awe he's so adorable, I absolutely love himm!!

I walked over to my closet to try to match what he was wearing. Alright I got it! I picked out my black and red adidas high tops, low cut amythist jeans, a black beater, and a black and red ecko zip up. That should work right? I looked at the clock and realized I only had a half hour. Shit!! Well I guess I'll just jump in the shower real quick. So I got in and out, got dressed and did my make up. With ten minutes to spare! YESS!! I rock face. I skipped down the steps and jumped on the couch to make it seem like I'd been waiting for him for awhile. He came up to the door and smiled when he saw me, I guess that means he likes my outfit(=.

"Babe, you look so cute, I'm glad we look so good together" Caiman said as he walked in and kissed me

"Yeah, me too baby I love you"

"I'm so glad you picked me over him, you know we look amazing together right?"

"I'm glad I did too baby. Your so important to me"

And with that, we started a hot and heavy make out session that stopped because I remembered that the party started at 8.

"Come on Caiman, theres time for all this later" I said as I picked up my keys and went to walk out the door"

"Ashleigh what are you doing? I'm driving" Excuse me? Did he just get mad cause I don't want to leave my baby here, siggghhh

"Alright, how about you drive my truck? I'm in the mood to go through the feilds to get there?"

"Yes!! Alright sounds good. I love you babe"

And with that we were out the door, on the way to the party, that would change my life forever.

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