The Storage room

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After dinner, Alvaro couldn't sleep. Martin and Tobias were sharing and his roommate was going to be one of the new kids who were arriving the next day. He needed someone to talk to so he invited Martin and Tobias to his room but they were to busy unpacking. His mind wouldn't rest, so he knew what he would have to do if wanted to get any sleep that night. 

Meanwhile, Mia was in her room chatting to Zoe about her dilemma. 

Mia - " I know that I said I would just be his friend but I can't bear how much pain I'm putting him through. And that hug, I felt like he was my boyfriend, not my brother! Oh is it really worth going against Mercedes when she blames me for all her family problems? Or should I just distance myself from him?"

Zoe - " Well if you distance yourself from him, that would only hurt him more. Who it wouldn't hurt would be Juanma", she said with a glint in her eye. 

Mia - "Oh yes, thanks for reminding me and adding more pressure to the situation. Juanma said time would help but on vacation he took advantage of the fact I couldn't spend time with Alvaro and tried to make me like him! I don't want to hurt him either but after that i don't know if I can trust him."

Just then, her phone vibrated.

Zoe - "Alvaro or Juanma?"

Mia - " Alvaro."

He was asking her to meet him in the storage room because he wanted to talk. Normally, Mia would have said no as she hated the conversations between Juanma and Alvaro but today even she needed to clear her mind of Alvaro and the hug. So she told Zoe and left.

Alvaro and Mia both arrived at the same time to find Juanma in the storage room singing.

Alvaro cleared his throat. 

Mia - "Sorry to disturb - "

"No it's alright, I'm done - you can have this space" interrupted Juanma. It still hurt him to see Mia and Alvaro together, though not as much as it did before the holidays. 

So once they were alone, Alvero grabbed Mia's hands, looked into her eyes and said...

I decided to leave this on a cliffhanger so before you read you can use your imagination to see what comes next. 

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I'll update soon xx

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