Chapter 9- I am in deep Shiz...

Start from the beginning

Don't want another addition to the month detention Mister Hothead gave me! He was freaking out too much! Who in the world gives a month of detention! Probably he does! It doesn't help that he is bald that I wanna laugh at how shiny it looks! A thing we have in common with my brother. We laugh at the bald and shiny parts of the heads of people. I don't know why but it was a thing that we inherited from our mom.

"So class today we will be watching a documentary of a teenage mother today on how she delivered her child......"

I didn't listen to the rest cause I know it will be disgusting. I don't even understand why we need to watch this? Then I decided to listen again.

"Lots of teenage girls get pregnant at this early age" Isn't that just redundant? She already said 'teenage' does she expect us to think 'teenage' meant like 25 or 30? And not all of us are stupid and whores!! Maybe Melanie..... But not all of us!

At first this annoying woman was speaking, who I think is supposed to sound like a narrator... I hate this! The voice is annoying my ears! Then started with how the girl got pregnant and we already know what happens during that part then the girl ran away for the fear her parents will not treat her the same way they did before. Then, when the girl arrived at the delivery room to get the baby out of her body. Then the next part was disgusting. Then worse! The one getting the baby out of her, you know..... is a BOY! and I was like.

'Who is this girl that even agreed to do this?!?'

Then it came to an end.... FINALLY!!!!

I thought it will never end! But I thought too fast.

"We will discuss this tomorrow. You may go now."

There were multiple grunts around the room. Seems like I wasn't the only one who didn't enjoy this. Then, people hurried out of their seats, fear that she will say something else. It was only first period and I already feel tired.

GREAT. Just great.....

Next was history.....

In history I tuned the teacher out for a few minutes knowing that he was talking about nonsense for those minutes. Then started listening to him. I liked history cause our teacher was never the straight type. He will tell a lesson then it will become a story. That is why this is kinda the most interesting subject I have. Then he mentioned about a essay that should be handed to him by the end of the month. Which means we have 3 weeks to do it. An essay about World War 2.

Easy peasy. I've read a book about that and I've read it for likes hundred times and I loved the parts were soldiers of the war sent letters to their families. They were just so beautiful. I've been done with this by the end of the week. Then I heard that it should at least be 2 pages long not back to back. And has to be computerized, font size 10.5 think it was all because they would like make the size of the font, size 16 or something like that. It happened once with a boy then they fought for the whole period. The boy saying that he did not say any specific size so he was free to any size he wanted and the teacher said that he needed to repeat the thing all over again. In the end the teacher won and the boy didn't attend school for 2 days while he was finishing it because Mr. Lanter said he has up to three days to finish it. Poor him.

Okay so he gave the entire period for us to start the essay. Others brought out their books then started reading the huge book. Hahahahahahaha........ suckers. They should have read it ages ago. He said it like the starting of the school year that he recommends us to read that cause we will almost talk about it. Then they chose to ignore it, while I read it during spear time, which was most of the time. Then I ended up reading it more times than I thought I will.

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