Chapter 5 - The house up in the tree... Isn't that called a tree house???

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So here's chapter 5 part 1, cause I've got a new fan, It made my day!!!!!!!!!

When I woke up....... I ran up here to look at something and I didn't expect to see that!!!!!!!!

So now I'll stop :)

But gotta warn you........... This is gonna be short 

and the part 2 would be out if in some way I get a new fan.... :)

pls support and share this to your friends pretty pls


The rest of the ride wasn't that bad anyway......... but if you add James laughing and insulting me????

Not so much......

After James speeding on the way and me continously asking him to slow this thing down............ well not actually off the speed limit but it was over my comfortable speed.

James said that he thinks if I drived a car, I would travel like 5 kph .......... well that was just crazy!

Anyway, after about 15  minutes of the worst or most exciting moment of my life. The carnival was in sight. It still looked clean, if you will compare it to other carnivals. But who wants to go to a carnival when the sun is burning your skin???, I really don't really know and don't care that much.....

It's been years since I have been in one of these, well as long as I can remember. My Dad used to take me here all the time, I mean most of the time- wait we are not here to discuss my past but I just can't help it........ It brings so much bad memories- - - okay, they are good but the are sad for me............ I suddenly asked James if we can...............

"James, can we plese not go here yet???, like another place that is nice to go to??"

Now James was smiling like a goofball, "Yeah, actually there is"

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"I can't belive you dragged me into this?!?" I said. I already got a scratch only a light one anyway, you can barely see it

"Better believe it, were almost there" he said stil having that glow on his face.

"How long have we been walking?, my feeet are sarting to ache" I complained.

"We've only been walking for like 20 minutes" he said rolling his stupid eyes.

"Not everbody in this world is athletic, James" I retorted, rolling my eyes back at him.

"Maybe some are athletic since birth and others just choose to be" he said immitating his Dad giving advices. OUCH!!!, that hurt not physically but emotionally. The only thing that I remember about him is teaching my how to tie my shoes and that is why I can't forget him. How can you forget a man who you can see in whatever you see and do, it's so hard. Try that yourself..... 

Those words brought back all the things I want to forget thanks ol' James.........

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(10 minutes later)

"James, are we there yet?"

"No" he said not even sparing a glance at me,now, there is a sign of disrespect.......

"My feet hurts so bad" I whined. Okay?!?, now I sound like a little girl!!! I think my tiredness is doing something with my brain.......... wait is that even possible?!?!

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(2 and 1/2 minutes later)

"Are we there yet?" I asked James.......

"Patience little, T."

"I am not little, I'm already turning 18. Plus the fact that I'm so tall, I almost look like a freak" I whined, then stuck my toung out at him. Okay I so look like a little girl. But whatever, he made me do this, okay, technically it's my fault why I turned like this.

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(1 minute later)

"Are we there yet?"

"T., you just asked me that about a minute ago"

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"My feet are aching" I said stopping for a while........

"Doctor, they are ready to be pulled out" I finished, then mock saluted James.

In response James chuckled..........

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"My feet hurts like hell", I whined.

"Really?", James asked me. Well more like asking a little child.

"Really, Really"

"Okay, then"

He benned down on his knees, put a hand under my knees and one on my back. He lifted my up easily!!!, okay maybe that was just hallucination, seriously?!?...... awhile ago I saw a squirrel that had Eric's face on it. But this one it felt and looked real. He lifted me up, like I weighed nothing!!!

He brought me up to his chest and I rested my head on the crook of his neck and his shoulder.

"Better?", James asked. A teasing smile on his lips.

I was about to argue, when I realized my feet are starting to feel better now that my weight is being carried by James and not them.............

So I just nodded and closed my eyes.......

James chuckled, then continued walking..........

I stayed awake cause maybe he would just drop me again because I think I weight like a ton!!!!, but for this boy it's like I only weighed like a box full of papers.

I stayed awake for like, 3 minutes...... Because maybe a certain someone would drop me on the forest floor. But like I said after a few minutes, my tired body tries to drag me to sleep. I fought against it but after a few seconds, my eyelids dropped close, then I was fast asleep in my bestfriends arms........

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There told ya it's gonna be short :)

well part 2 would be longer XD :)






guessitright out!!!!!!!!!

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