Courtiers' singing voice

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MC had just finished making French toast for Volta. Once she spread some jam over it, they walked up to Volta's room on their tiptoes, wanting to surprise her. Turns out they were the one's surprised as they've heard Volta sing for the first time.

MC immediately recognized that the song was from one of the musicals held last week in the theatre. Tiny Volta was trying her best to sing in tune but failed. She couldn't sing low tones even if her life depended on it and her high notes were way too high-pitched. Even though she lacked the skills, her voice was pleasant to listen to.

"Boo," MC said as they walked behind her.

She stopped singing, letting out an ungodly shriek, "MC, you scared me!" she pouted, looking down, embarrassed that MC heard her sing.

"Oh, come on," they pat her head, placing the plate in front of her, "You can't sing on an empty stomach."

She wanted to comment on how her stomach is always empty but, once she's seen the food in front of her, she thanked MC, devouring French toast in milliseconds.


MC laid in their bed, expecting Vlastomil to return anytime soon. He was supposed to tuck the worms in bed, so what was taking so long? They decided to check for themselves. Their footsteps were barely audible in the dark hallway as they walked to the only room with lit candles. They slowly walked as they heard something unusual. It was Vlastomil crying. MC wanted to walk up to him to see what was wrong, but then they heard him talk. No, he wasn't talking, he was... singing?

They leaned on the wall, trying to hear him better. He was singing a lullaby, most likely to Wriggler. His voice was so soft as he tried his best to put his favourite child into slumber. Seeing Wriggler in such a calm state as she trusted Vlastomil with her whole life made something in Vlastomil soften. He kept on singing nonetheless, tearing up with each syllable that escaped his lips.

MC didn't know whether they should be laughing or crying. They just stared at Vlastomil who was singing and crying at the same time. Too bad, had he not been crying, maybe his singing skills could be heard.


MC has just returned from their shop as they finished their shift. It felt to them like the bedroom was calling them, begging to go to sleep and MC would have happily obliged had they not heard some strange noise in Vulgora's room. MC slowly walked, trying their best to see what was going on. Surprisingly enough, they saw Vulgora sharpening their weapons while singing.

MC has never heard such a song before, but, assuming from the lyrics, it seemed like it was some sort of war song. Their voice was rough as they practically screamed the whole song. No wonder why their voice is always so rough.

"Oh, you're back," they stared at MC as they stopped sharpening the blades, "It was about damn time!"

They know MC's heard them sing but they don't give a damn.


MC was rolling in their bed, trying to find Valerius, however, it seemed like he was nowhere to be found. They lazily opened one of their eyes, finding him on his desk, writing something down as he muttered some words. Upon listening better, MC realized that he was singing.

He never told them he could sing and MC couldn't figure out why. He hit all of the notes just right and MC believed that their deep voice was made for singing. They didn't know which song he was singing, but they didn't care. He could sing just about anything and MC would still love it.

"You sing so well," MC said before they fell asleep with an image of blushy Valerius in their mind.


MC was walking downstairs, trying their best not to trip and fall. Once they were in the elevator, they covered their ears, unable to bear the creeks of the cogwheels. Something needs to be done about it.

They were just about to tell that to Valdemar, but they stopped midtrack because they heard something strange in the dungeons. In fact, it was the first time they heard anything in there. They recognized Valdemar's voice, but they couldn't recognize a word they were saying. The language was completely foreign to them. What was even more foreign was that Valdemar was singing. They hit all of the tones perfectly, both high pitched and low ones. What's even more absurd is that they sang the whole song, even the parts where it was obvious that two or more people needed to sing. They were s good that it was terrifying

"Oh, you're here. My apologies, I haven't noticed," they said as they gave MC a toothy grin. They were lying. That bastard couldn't have not heard the elevator. They just wanted to flex their skills a bit. Their red eyes stared at MC's soul, waiting for praise that they deserve.

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