chapter 5 the ritual

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The minute that the beams from the full moon hit my body the pain started. I could feel every bone in my body start to crack and break; But there was something different. Why do i feel so cold. I was never told that there was a cold feeling to the first shift. I wonder if Clyde feels it too? As the pain starts to subside i finally look at myself and i see that im now in all fours and all i see when i look down is white paws with red at the tips. Am i really the white wolf of legend as we suspected? I will have to speak to the elders as soon as i shift back. But if im really the white wolf of legend, born on a blood moon, that can only mean that Clyde has to be my mate. With that thought in my head I turn to look at Clyde and my jaw drops. He is the black wolf, and he is amazing. He is pure black with blood red fur around his eyes. I get to keep him. This man that i have loved as long as i can remember is my mate. I slowly make my way to him and burry my face in the crook of his neck in his dark black fur and breath in his amazing scent that was made for me alone. He smells of nature and chocolate its a smell i will never tire of. The pull I've been feeling towards him has gotten stronger since i shifted and i can hear Shetera's howl of joy at Clyde being our mate. We cant wait to have him mark us and make us his for all eternity. Just then i hear my father ckear his throat. It must be time to shift back. As i shift back to my human form i get another surprise my dress is still intact. I shifted and didnt ruin my clothes thats never happened to any other wolf in my pack they all shred their clothes when they shift. I really must be something special. This is just another thing to talk to the elders about.

Clyde's pov

The burning sensation wont stop. It all started when the first of the moon beams hit me. I felt my bones snap and break one by one. Then this burnung sensation started and i feel like im on fire. I have never heard of this happening before, and it wasnt in any of the books i have read on our kind. I will have to speak to my pack elders. The next thing i notice is this intoxicating scent, where is it coming from i must find where its coming from. Then my eyes land on Bonnie and the world stops. There is the girl i have loved as long as i can remember and shes smazing in her wolf form. Shes this beautiful pure white wolf with blood red fur around the tips of her paws and tail. She's the wolf no one thought would ever exsist. We all thought the mated white and black wolf were legend; but if shes the white wolf why is my wolf screaming at me to claim her, unless, could i really be the black wolf? One look at Bonnie and i know the answer. I am the black wolf and Bonnie is my mate.

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