My Background

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Yes, I'm from New York. That explains my last name. Whereas my first name, I've no idea.

I would ask my parents but... uh... they died.

My mom commited suicide, when i was 13. I loved her, she was always there for me when i was down. and she made THE BEST sugar cookies. She did it when Gramma died, she said in her suicide note:

"i can't take it anymore that mom is gone, i miss her so much. I love you Navya, and your brother too. and i always will. never forget that. i will be watching you wherever i go. i will watch you no matter what. i love you.

and James, i love you too. you know that, i'll be watching you too, don't do anything rash now that i'm gone ok?

I love you all and i'll be watching


Yeah, that wasn't a good time for my family. my dad was still working and was upset about mom's death. he would've quit his job but he knew he had to support us for school and food and such.But he also started drinking. he would come home late and STINK of alcohol.

What i never understood though, was that she said she loved us, all of us, repeatedly throughout the letter. If she really did,

then why did she do it?

My brother helped out for earning money, when he was still in highschool, he just got a job at a nearby grocery store. My brother was smart so i knew he would manage. But he graduated highschool a year ago and still works, and studies. He finds time to send us whatever he can.

Eventually dad's drinking got worse and he died DUI. I wasn't surprised or shocked, i was actually sort of expecting it to happen. My dad was still loving and kind, in his sober moments. 

In the end i still have to go to school. i still want to go to college and stuff but i need a way of making money. My grandparents are there, but they just pay the taxes for me and my brother, and they're also our legal guardians but they live in a seniors home, and pay for us through their pensions and savings. 

In the end i told my brother that he should keep the money he earns and i told him i'd get a job to support myself. 

i lied.

well, only the job part. i make money faster and easier the way i do it. 

well i just steal people's things and blackmail them for money if they want they're item back.


i take a guy's book

the guy says give it back

i say ok if you give me 20 bucks

the guys pays me, done deal.

i am now 20 bucks richer.

but if the item is cool, i keep it and if the item is old i take to a pawn shop. sometimes antiques are worth THOUSANDS. 

i'm Navya Yorker, aged 16 years old and i'm... well me.

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