A normal day... sort of

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Well, it was a normal day at school, boring with crappy teachers. Well hey i may be poor but i still go to school and make money. And considering the fact that i'm only 16, with a brother away at college and no parents, i think i'm pretty smart about these things.

Anyway, I was walking back from school when i saw a dude with some pretty strange hair, like silvery. (obviously dyed) and black nails (why?), sitting on the park bench i always  At this point i was wondering if this dude was emo or something, because on other than the silver hair, everything else he was wearing was black, plus he was also wearing an eye patch on his left eye. and stangely was in possession a ridiculously large bag of coffee, placed next to the bench, lying on the grass

And that bag of coffee is profitable.

i know lots of cafes willing to pay for a 100 pound sack of coffee beans. 

i walked over to him. Only to notice he was in deep conversation with a girl with purplish blue hair, with long bangs that covered one eye. i sort of stealth-walked, ducking, over to the bench where the unsual couple was sitting. grabbed the bag of coffee and attemped to stealth walk away again.

until i fell over

DAMN that thing is like 200 pounds.

so using all of my strength and  and my bodyweight i dragged it out of the park with great difficulty i might add. and somehow miraculously dragged it to where i live.

i was about to dial up the number of one of my friends who works at a local coffee shop. the cafe pays 2 bucks for every pound of coffee beans, 400 bucks easy cash.

when there was a knock at my door

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