Stupid Mondays...

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Ugh.. Mondays mean school.
And being real here NOBODY likes school.
But because I wanna go to college, I have to.

As soon as the bell rang at the end of 6th period, I was the first out the door. I ran down the street but something caught my eye.

A Sword.

It was in a blue sheath, next to a kid with a rough bowl cut and with freakishly elvish ears. The kid would have looked pretty good, If he had the right haircut and properly shaped ears. He was walking with a cutesy girl, like the kind you would see in a shoujo manga.

i wondered what they would be doing with that kind of thing. were they in a martial arts school or was it antique? and what was that kid doing with a shoujo girl. She didnt seem like she was his type but eh, not my business, what a cared about was that sword.

that thing is a keeper. and its about to be mine.

sorry for the short chapter. but hey, i left a new message on my wattpad board thingy, which i think anyone would be really happy and excited about. so go check that out (i promise its worth your time)
and again i apologise for the short chapter.

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