Chapter 5

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As instructed the twins pulled the car around to the front of the building. She held the backseat door open for Caellum as he ducked into the car. Her eyes scanned the streets, a few people gave her looks but she ignored them as she closed the door and walked around to the driver's side of the car. Killian was there, holding her side of the car open for her. He gave her an apologetic look as she approached. Of the twins, he was the kindhearted one. His brother had a mean streak in comparison. She laid her hand over his for a moment to let him know that she forgave him and got into the car after her patron. She slid into the tan leather seat with ease, forgoing the seatbelt. Once Killian was in the car, she gave the seat a tap and he took off.

She kept her gaze fixed on the streets that flew by, choosing to ignore Caellum. Usually, he included her in his plans, seeing as she was his link to the hunter world. Though now that it had been four years, he had acquired his own contacts. He was a man of many trades and in the field of hunters, he provided weapons. Typically, hunters would seek him out for weapon repairs or something new to spice up their collection. Not once had she seen him with Anthony. Not once had she had any inclination that the two knew each other. But as he put it, it was 'none of her business'.

Beside the hunter, Caellum was gazing at her curiously. For everything he knew about her she was still an enigma to him. She was the most determined woman he had ever met. And yet when it came down to it, she would lay down her life for anyone in need, and heaven forbid anyone touch someone she cared about. That passion that shone in her eyes was one of the many reasons he admired the woman beside him. Four years ago, he had seen a struggling young hunter who seemed completely out of place at the masquerade. And now she was healthy and stronger than she had ever been.

The weapons warehouse that Caellum owned was huge. The largest in the industrial district in fact and he was proud of that. Her employer had always had a knack for the ostentatious. And his warehouse didn't fall short of that. To the unsuspecting eye, it looked like a very large single-story office building. What the onlooker didn't know was that the real warehouse was underground and more secure than the King's Castle in Inverelin. The first four stories were dedicated to research and development for the weapons that were produced, while the remaining three floors below were for manufacturing and storing the weapons. Her favorite part of her job was the exclusive right to test all the weapons before anyone else. The testing floor, the last and 8th floor to the building was her happy place. Filled with gym equipment and racks upon rack filled with knives, swords, guns, bows, staffs, and so much more. Anything she could ever want to use was in that room for her to play with whenever she pleased.

She wouldn't get the chance to visit that floor for this visit though. It was strictly business and they would only be going to Caellum's office on the ground floor. Through the front doors, the main lobby was a vast white room with marble walls and floors. The only accent in the room was the large oak doors at the end of the hall that led into the waiting room outside of Caellum's office. As they made their way past the receptionist desk, the young woman greeted them with a smile and handed Caellum a packet of papers.

"Mister Byrnes is here to see you, sir. He's waiting in your office as requested." The brunette told him without looking away from her computer.

"Thank you." That was all he said as he walked past the desk, guards in tow. She hung back a little, knowing that no amount of arguing was going to get her into the meeting. She watched as Caellum strode forward to the doors and pause. He turned back to look at them. "Stay outside this door until the meeting is over. If anyone comes asking for me, I am busy for the entire day."

"Understood." The twins said in unison and she rolled her eyes. She walked forward to stand before her boss.

"I don't like this. I should be in there." She told him in a hushed voice.

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