II. Josephine Anika Roberts-Chikere

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Chapter Two

There is a CIA black-site in Nigeria that we've brought all the kids too. Here where we can track down their family's and get them back home. Most of the kids remember their family's and homes, but the ones that don't have agents searching through all the databases the CIA has access to in order to find that answer out.

There were twenty two children we rescued, and we know the names and homes of all of them, except the girl I found. We aren't having any success figuring out who she is. When an Agent named O'Neal told me she couldn't find any trace of the girl, I had Sharon and John both double check, but they still came back with nothing. There is no information at all about her name, her parents, where she was born, how old she really is. There's nothing.

The girl is waiting with Soroya right now while I talk to Sharon and John, who I made check a third time to see if there anything on her. Still nothing.

"Usually this isn't possible," Sharon whispers, her eyes darting between me and the girl. "I've never seen someone with no trace on them at all. It's like she just appeared out of nowhere."

"So you're saying there's no hope at finding out who she is?"

"Alex, we have the greatest database in the world, if we can't find out who she is, then I don't think anyone can." John says in defeat.

I glance over my shoulder at the girl, who has a wide smile on her face as she talks with Soroya, looking relaxed and filled with joy, which she probably hasn't felt in a long time, maybe forever.

"What will happen to her?" I dare to ask.

"In a normal circumstance I would say she would go into the foster system, but since she has powers I think Ross will take her."

My stomach drops as Sharon finishes that sentence. The idea of Ross taking the girl away, locking her up or worse...I can't fathom it. Without another word I walk over to Soroya, who has the girl giggling about something. When I reach them, the girl's smile stays, and she waves up at me happily. Soroya's expression falters slightly as she sees my expression, and without me having to ask, she tells the girl she'll be right back and then steps aside with me, waiting for me to talk.

"They can't find anything on her, they've checked several times and there's nothing. Sharon thinks that she'll either go into the foster system or that Ross will take her."

Soroya's smile dies completely and her eyes grow dark, her tone serious as she says: "I don't even want to think about what he could do to her. There has to be another option."

"I don't think there is one."

Soroya is silent for a moment as she thinks. After a few moments, her smile returns, and her voice drops to a whisper as she suggests: "You could take her."


"You and Khari could adopt her. You two have been looking to adopt for years and you haven't had any luck, maybe this is your chance," she says excitedly, reaching forward and gripping onto my hands. "What she needs is a family that will love her and accept her for who she is, and that's what you and Khari could give her. Ross will never allow that to happen."

No he won't. Soroya's right, the girl needs an environment that will celebrate her for her powers and love her for them, not fear them. Ross will never give her that, he'll never give her the life she deserves. She's spent probably her whole life in that cage, told that her worth is defined by a bottom line of a check, what she needs is to be safe and cared for. When Soroya and I were taken by HYDRA, I would have given anything to be back with my parents, in my home, in a place where I felt loved and protected. I know what it's like to be caged like an animal and treated like you're worth nothing, and if I have the chance to make sure that this girl doesn't grow up feeling the same way, then I have to take it.

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