chapter 10:Training Day

Start from the beginning

"Houndoom, use flamethrower!" Lyra said slightly agitated. Houndoom quickly turned toward Fang and puffed out smoke. She looked back toward Lyra.

"It seems Fang's water gun stopped your Houndoom from using her fire type moves." I grinned.

"Yea you managed to leave me with one move. Houndoom use crunch!" She replied. Houndoom glared at Fang and ran toward her.

"Quickly dodge then use scratch!" I told her. Houndoom bit down as Fang jumped up and barley missed the attack. She then landed on Houndoom's back and began to scratch. Houndoom tried to shake her off, but she held on tight.

"Houndoom shake her off then use crunch!" Lyra yelled. Houndoom shook more violently. Fang was flung off and dazed slightly. Houndoom turned and bite Fang's arm.

"Fang use water gun!" I yelled quickly. Fang shot a powerful attack right at Houndoom's face. She let go and stumbled back. "Now use bite!" Fang ran at Houndoom and chomped down hard on her front right leg. She tried to shake Fang off, but she held on strong.

"I must admit, you are a good trainer and you already share a strong bond with Fang." Lyra complemented.

"Thanks." I grinned. Lyra grinned back at me.

"Houndoom use crunch." She said calmly. She looked toward Fang and bit he shoulder hard. I think to hard. Is that blood?! Lyra noticed this to. "Houndoom stop!" She let Fang go and licked her shoulder to say sorry.

"That's enough for now Fang. Come here." I told her. She ran over to me. Luckily I carry a first aid kit. I dabbled the blood away and wrapped her shoulder in a bandage.

"Houn...." Houndoom wined. Lyra patted her head.

"Don't worry girl, it was an accident." Lyra comforted her gloom Pokemon. Fang walked over to Houndoom.

"Totodile!" Fang said then hugged Houndoom's leg. She lowered her head and licked Fang's head.

Sharon Pov.

Glacier quickly mastered ice beam. She could now freeze the whole lake. I was so proud of her. We were now resting and watching Lyra and Star train. Glacier sat on my lap as we saw how strong Fang is. She lasted pretty long against Lyra's Houndoom, but the battle was cut short by an accidental puncture wound.

"Gla..." Glacier said as she watched the forgiveness Fang showed Houndoom. I rubbed her head as the next battle began. A Pidgeot versus Rotom. This could be good.

Star Pov.

"Alright who do you want to train next?" Lyra asked. I grabbed Thunder's pokeball.

"I'm gunning to work with Thunder now." I replied as I threw his pokeball up. Lyra nodded and grabbed another pokeball from her bag. She threw it high into the sky, releasing her huge Pidgeot. He caught his pokeball in his beak and landed beside Lyra, giving her the pokeball.

"Good boy." Lyra said as she stroked his head feathers. "Now let's start." She grinned. My first fight against a flying Pokemon.

"Thunder use Thundershock." I started this fight off. Pidgyot took off into the air, avoiding the small bolt.

"Pidgeot use wing attack." Lyra said. His wings began to glow white.

"Quickly use Thunderwave!" I yelled. Thunder shot of a small static attack that stopped Pidgeot's attack. "Use Thundershock again!" Thunder sent another bolt of lightning and hit him hard. Pidgeot fell to the ground with swirls for eyes.

"Wow! Thunder doesn't really need training it seems." Lyra said amazed. I just nodded with my mouth open in awe. Fang tugged on my pant leg.

"What is it Fang?" I asked her. She ran out in front of me. "Do you want to have another battle?" She nodded.

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