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The next morning, Lori found Hamish standing behind her door as soon as she opened it. "Sir Hamish, what can I help you with?" she asked, smiling slightly.

"Sir?" Hamish questioned, confused.

"Knights," Lori stated, sighing. "So, what can I do for you?"

"Can't a man just want to escort a new friend to her class?" Hamish asked, smirking.

Lori rolled her eyes, sighing. "I need a drink," she said, walking past Hamish.

"I can help with that," Hamish said. Lori paused. "I'll make you a good cocktail."

"I don't drink alcohol," Lori stated. "But I can make today an exception." She turned to Hamish who smirked.

"Follow me," he said.


A couple of minutes later, Lori was in the Werewolf base drinking a drink that Hamish made. Suddenly, she heard a chime in her phone.

 Suddenly, she heard a chime in her phone

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Lori giggled, looking at Hamish. "To be honest, I've never had alcohol before," she said. "This is my first time trying alcohol."

Hamish raised his brows. "You should have told me that first so I would have made your drink extra special," he stated. Lori giggled again. "You know, you should get Jack to join the Knights. You should join us too."

"Ah, but there's a problem," Lori said, grinning. "I'm part of the Order of the Blue Rose." She looked down at her glass.

Hamish frowned. "I know, you have magic," he said.

Lori snorted. "I was born with it," she stated. "Even if I didn't join the Order, magic will still find a way to force me to use it." She looked at Hamish. "Be careful with how you handle Jack. Don't let him easily kill people, he's not like you people. If he kills people, don't treat him like a criminal, but be a little sensitive."

Hamish looked at her with a curious expression. "Randall told me you were great with predictions," he said. "How does it work? How do you predict?"

Lori looked at her drink. "If I'm given choices, I get this feeling of weight," she said. "Sometimes it feels wrong, sometimes it feels good, and sometimes it weighs towards a specific choice or jolts me when I think of the right choice." Lori shrugged. "I don't really know for sure. Sometimes it's different."

Hamish smiled. "Well, can you tell my fortune?" he asked. "Or yours?"

Lori looked at Hamish. "I can tell everyone's," she said. "However, there is the common group that shows nothing in their future." Then she gasped as her eyes glew. She looked up at Hamish. "Heed my words, Hamish Duke. Do not forget who you are, for the day the Knights of Saint Christopher forget who they are in the day this little witch ceases to exist. The day that Jack Morton dies is the day that she hides. No one will know whether Death will be her hiding spot." Then Lori blinked and looked around in confusion. "Uh, what just happened?"

The Blue Moon(The Order And Wolfblood Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now