Chapter Two: Headlines

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My thoughts drift to Edele; lately, she is all I have been thinking about I know the pain of losing the person who you swore to love forever. My husband Mac was killed in the line of duty three years ago. It's a different kind of loss, but a loss is always painful, no matter how it happens. At least I got some privacy when my husband died; it wasn't splashed on every headline on every magazine and newspaper worldwide.

Paparazzi has stalked her for months, barely giving her room to breathe; I've noticed a significant change in Edele over the last few months. The loss in weight, how dark her eye-rims have gotten she hardly eats anything, Edele's whole attitude has changed, she's become withdrawn in social settings even in rehearsals. A place usually Edele shines taking charge leading us in vocals and choreography, she's now become a shadow behind us, allowing me to take the lead.

Rain is fierce coming down sideways in lashing anger even my windshield wipers can barely keep up with today's weather beating. Forcing me to slow down as I approach the airport, it's only ten am I, but I'm already feeling drained. I'm not sure I will have the energy to get through rehearsals today my mind is heavy worried about my son, missing my daughter even though I just dropped her off. The airport is busy grabbing my carry on I hurry inside once I am there I ring my sister Charity to chat about Tag's little outburst hoping she can get through to him a little.

As we chat, I walk through the lobby, watching my flight time on the board which it leaves at eleven am. It's now nearly eight am, so I have a little while the airport while busy isn't overwhelmed. My eyes catch this week's Irish Mirror big front cover of Edele, and Aidan, a line down the middle photos of the kids, is smack in the center with the headline. "Kids, Choose dad! Mom's a cheater." anger burns inside my veins as I snatch the magazine and toss it in the garbage lies. All lies; however, the next magazine the sun has the same fifth on the cover except the headline reads "Who cheated? Who stayed true? Kids caught in the middle of a custody war." My heart bleeds for my best friend, and how unfair this shite is just because we are celebrities doesn't mean we don't deserve to grieve in private. Tears fill my eyes when I think of how much Edele has to be hurting, memories of my husband plague my brain. The loss is so real so undefined and thus eternal.

I toss that one right into the garbage next to it, earning a few looks from people as I head to the Security checkpoint saying goodbye to my sister as I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Excuse me, I am sorry to bother you, ma'am." wiping my tears, I force a smile as I turn towards the stranger "Yes ma'am?" "Are you Sinead from B*witched?" A fan oh I am so not in the mood for this right now, but I smile genuinely at her because in the end fans are why we get to do what we love a second time around and my journey today should never reflect how I act towards them as long as they respect me I respect them. "Yes, I am, are you a fan?"

"Janey Mack! I knew it!" The woman around my age covers her mouth in shock as she starts to cry, jumping up and down as if I had just told an eight-year-old kid we were going to Disney World. "YES, Yes, I am! I have been a huge fan since 1998, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph I never thought this day would come. I am so happy. Thank you, Jesus!" Dramatically she throws her arms up in praise as she dances silly around the same spot tears flowing down her face.

"What's your name, ma'am?"

"Oh, don't mind me. I am sorry I am a right head to the ball, aren't I? I'm Desiree MacHaven I use to sing cest la vie all day my mates nearly went bonkers. I sang it so much. Oh, heavens, I am such a fan I even named my kids Mackenzie Brooks after your daughter Brooke and your husband oh bless his soul. My daughter is three now, and she dances to your music all the time. Oh, she's a wee thing, but she can move, and she sings all the words perfectly."

"Aw, thank you so much, Desiree that's so sweet you made my day would you like a photo or an autograph? I do have to hustle my flight is in a little while I need to go through security yet."

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