Are you trying to flirt with me kiddo?

Start from the beginning

"Oh right. I'm new in town. Well not really new kind of like returning but anyways I use to live around here and went there often too. I guess I just wanted something that resembled home. So one day I showed up and asked if they had any spots open and they hired me on the spot." I answered with a slight chuckle.


"Oh that's pretty cool I guess." I replied to him. Aiden was something strange, nothing like the people I have grown up around. He gives off the mafia boss vibes almost, and it's scary but interesting at the same time. I couldn't tell if he felt dangerous or safe,but I could tell I liked his company. I feel like we could become great friends, but part of me feels bad about going out and meeting new friends without Peter. However, he can't control all of my friends since I don't control who he is friends with. It was getting cold out and I was rubbing my hands on my arms to create heat and friction.

"Here you are cold." Aiden said and I looked over just in time to see his shirt lightly pull up while he took off his jacket and saw his side covered in tattoos.

"Oh no it's okay I have a jacket." I said reaching around my waist only to realize the jacket I had previously tied around my waist was gone. "Well I guess I must have left it at the shop."

"Which just give you more reasons to wear my jacket," he begun as he handed his jacket to me, "and to come visit me tomorrow at work." He finished with a small smirk and I shook my head at him while slipping on the jacket.

"I hope you aren't trying to flirt with me kiddo. I have a boyfriend."

"Oh love I would never." He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What's he like?"

"Peter is everything. He's sweet, smart, talented, and a safe place to run to when I need it. He's the best thing to happen to me in a long time and I am very grateful for him." I replied looking down at my shoes with a smile just thinking about him.

"Boring." Aiden yawned out and stretched out his long arms before letting them drop besides him.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled looking up at him.

"Seems boring. Almost like you have said that same sentence thousands of time. Where's the flavor to him? Don't you ever get bored? Don't you ever want something new and fun?" He asked with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Well we do a lot of new things all the time. He isn't really the type of person to

dangerous things he deals with it enough as it is." I stated.

"Well I don't think I could ever sit at home with the same guy my entire life if he never had the drive to always want to be doing something fun or be on adventures."

"Wait so you like guys too? That's amazing!" I busted out saying while clapping my hands.

"N-no no that's not what I meant at all. I definitely like females and females only." He stuttered out turning red and I just laughed it off.

"So what about you? Any special girl waiting at home for you right now?" I questioned him.

"Actually no."

"No? Wow that's shocking." I teased.

"I know right I am just a total catch and no lady wants me." He laughed and then let out a small sigh. "There is this one girl who I have been after for a long time now actually. It would shock you how many girls I have had to reject for her."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah she's amazing. We don't really know each other that well but she's had my heart since I've put my eyes on her. This girl is stunning, smart, silly, talented, adventurous, and just so special to me and she probably doesn't even know my full name." He said looking up at the sky which was darker then usual.

"Why don't you go get her?"

"She doesn't know me like that. I know every little detail about her but she probably only knows my first name and where I work," he let out a soft chuckle, "but she's also in a relationship with some boring lame kid."

"Well I'm sorry about that Aiden but if she can't notice you or put any effort into getting to know you, then she isn't the right one for you." I said patting his back and he shook his head with a small smile.

"I don't think you get it Y/n she makes me feel things I never felt before. She makes me have a reason to live, a purpose to get up. Her smile just lights up my day no matter what, and her voice could put me to sleep in the loudest places on this planet. When I see her there is nothing else and no one else in my mind or eyes. She overtakes everything." We stopped walking midway through his rant.

"Y/N THERE YOU ARE!" I heard someone shout in the distance. Aiden and I both turned to see the approaching figure.

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