Emine's Birthday

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The week passed quickly and Saturday came. On this day the little İplikçi princess was going to turn 5.

Emine was still sleeping. Defne carefully opened the door of the kids' room and quietly stepped inside. She sneaked over to Emine's bed, sat onto it and softly kissed the small forehead of her daughter. Emine woke up and Defne smiled and said "Happy birthday, my precious girl!"

"Thank you, mommy!" Emine replied to her mother "Where is dad?"

"Right here!" Ömer's voice sounded and he appeared in the room, holding a box

"Happy birthday, my princess!" he said, leaning down and kissing her forehead

"Dad, what is this?" Emine asked her father, looking at the box he was holding

"Your birthday present, my darling. From me and mommy." Ömer answered "Would you like to open it?"

"Yes!" Emine answered

She sat on her bed and, with the help of her mother, she unpacked the gift and opened it. She looked at the shoes and exclaimed "Wow, they look exactly like those which mommy drew."

Defne smiled and replied to her daughter "Because they are exactly the ones that I drew, my darling. Your dad brought the drawing to brother Iso and he made them real."

"You are welcome, princess!" Ömer replied back and both him and Defne kissed her cheeks

Almost the whole day was spent in preparations for Emine's birthday party. Defne and Ömer prepared lots of delicious dishes, alongside with the most important one - Defne's dolmas which everyone from Topal and İplikçi families loved very much. Especially Ömer! Whenever he was eating his Defne's dolmas, he felt like he was tasting Defne herself. He could always taste those thin, sweet and beautiful fingers that have rolled the dolmas.

By 3 PM family and closest friends gathered at İplikçi's home. The party went on really well and everybody had lots of fun.

Then it was time for gifts. Everybody have Emine amazing gifts - a teddy bear, a barbie doll, a bracelet and many other gifts.

"Eminecim, what present did you receive from mommy and daddy?" Neriman asked Emine

"Our present is already on her feet." Ömer answered, smiling and looking at his daughter's feet

"Ayyy, they are very beautiful!" Nihan exclaimed

"Ömer, you have done a great job again!" Neriman exclaimed

"It is not me. It is Defne's work." Ömer replied "She drew them and I just brought the sketch to the workshop."

"Well done, Defne!" Seda said

"Thank you, everyone!" Defne replied

"So, this is what inspired Ömer for a kids collection." Sinan exclaimed

"Exactly, kardeşim." Ömer replied to his friend

Some hours later the party was over and everybody was at home.

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