From a Sketch to Real

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*On the next morning*

It was Friday. Ahmet was better than he was the previous day, but Defne decided to remain home and for this day.

After Emine was driven to kindergarten, Ömer told Şükrü to drive to Sadri Usta's workshop. When they arrived there, Ömer got out of the car, taking Defne's sketch that she drew the previous day. He entered the workshop and greeted Iso and Sadri Usta.

"Good morning!" Ömer greeted

"Good morning, Ömer!" Iso replied

"Good morning, son!" Sadri also replied "What is bringing you here?"

"Something really special." Ömer answered

He opened the folder that he was carrying with himself, took out Defne's sketch and placed it on the table in front of Iso and Sadri Usta.

"Defne drew these yesterday." Ömer began "You know, Emine's birthday is next Saturday. I want this to be our gift for her. I will be very glad if you make them real shoes."

"Very nice!" Iso exclaimed "We will make them, of course!"

"But, please, do not tell Defne about it, yet." Ömer added "I want to surprise her."

"Okay, we will not tell her." Iso replied "The shoes will be ready by Monday."

"Good!" Ömer replied back "Call me when they are ready."

Iso and Sadri Usta nodded their heads and Ömer left for work.

When Ömer arrived at Passionis, he first went to Sinan's office. On his way to the company, an idea appeared in Ömer's mind.

"What is up?" Sinan asked Ömer, when he saw him entering his office

"What would you say about kids collection?" Ömer asked his friend

"What?!" Sinan exclaimed

"Shoe collection for children." Ömer replied "We can do it for the first of June - Children's Day."

"And how did this idea come to your mind all this sudden?" Sinan asked

"Yesterday Defne drew a pair of children shoes, while I was not at home." Ömer answered "This morning I brought the sketch to Sadri Usta. I think it would be an amazing gift for Emine's birthday. On the way to the company, the idea for the collection came to me."

"The idea with the gift is great." Sinan said "Probably Defne liked it a lot."

"She does not know about it, yet." Ömer replied "I will tell her when the shoes are ready. I want to surprise her."

"So, what do you think about the idea for a kids collection?" Ömer asked Sinan

"It is nice." Sinan answered "Yes, we can do it."


After Ömer finished work at the company, he went to the workshop to take the shoes.

When he returned home, Defne welcomed him. She suddenly saw that Ömer was carrying something like a shoebox and asked him "My love, what is this?"

"Come upstairs." Ömer answered "I want to show you something."

"Okay." Defne replied and followed Ömer to the bedroom

"Well, what is this?" she asked him again

With a smile, Ömer opened the box and Defne saw a pair of little, pink kids shoes. She took one of them in her hands and could not believe what she was seeing. It was exactly the shoes that she had drawn last Thursday.

"Ö-Ömer?!" she exclaimed shocked "Did you really do this?"

"Yes." Ömer answered, making a bigger smile "On Friday morning I brought your sketch to Sadri Usta's workshop. I think it would be an amazing gift for Emine's birthday"

"They are amazing!" Defne exclaimed "She would definitely love them."

Then she hugged him as tight as she could and said "You really are an amazing person, Ömer! An amazing person, husband and father!"

"Look at me, Defne..." Ömer replied

Defne pulled away and looked at Ömer's black eyes.

"If I am an amazing husband and father, then you are an amazing wife and mother!" Ömer said "You are the best wife and mother that could ever exist! Our children are lucky to have such a kind-hearted angel as a mother."

Defne was looking at Ömer with her eyes almost full of happy tears.

"I love you so much!" Defne replied

"I love you so much, too!" Ömer replied back and softly kissed Defne's sweet and soft lips

Later at night Defne and Ömer were lying in bed and talking.

"Defne, I want to ask you something..." Ömer said

"Ask." Defne replied, lifting her head to look at him

"How does a kids collection sound?" Ömer asked her

"What?!" Defne exclaimed

"On Friday, after I brought the sketch to Sadri Usta, I thought about it." Ömer replied "Your sketch inspired me to make a shoe collection for kids for the upcoming first of June."

"I talked with Sinan about it." Ömer added "He agreed."

"If you feel like this, then do it." Defne answered "You know I will always support you. I can also help you, if you want to."

"My kind-hearted wife!" Ömer exclaimed "How lucky can I be?!"

"This is me!" Defne replied

Ömer kissed her forehead and replied back to her "Never change yourself! Never! Don't you dare!"

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