I look up with tears still dripping. I’ve become such a crybaby ever since THE incident.

I know I hurt him. It’s not his fault. It’s no one’s fault but my own. I’m such a coward. Why am I still running away from reality?

Ryan already lost a soul friend. And now me acting this way shutting myself away from him was clearly tearing him apart. Right now, running away from him, was the finishing blow to his already wounded heart.

“If you really want to move on then you shouldn’t push the past away but accept what happened. Only then can you really face the future Amelia. And Ryan is someone who’s not just a guy in your past. He’s your past itself. Ever since you guys were toddlers you’ve been together right? That relationship is far more important than any other relationship in this world. Don’t sever your ties with him, Amelia. You’re hurting him and more importantly you’re hurting yourself.”

I know. I understand perfectly what you’re saying, Ethan. I just don’t know what to do!

He extends a hand and I take it. He pulls me up to my feet.

“Alright damsel in distress. It’s time you become the heroine of your story.” He says with a playful yet gentle smile and I give him a watery smile back.

It's alright Amelia. You can do this.

Leaving the restroom, we make our way to the classroom. Every step I took made my heart-beat race faster and faster. Ethan gave my hand a light squeeze. Looking up I see him giving me an encouraging smile. I give him a firm nod and a ghost of a smile appears on my lips.

Opening the door we enter the classroom which now grew silent. Apart from my classmates, there were others from different classes and even kids from out of school. They all stopped whatever they were doing and wondered what the reason for the eerie silence was. Some even ogled at Ethan. While some looked pumped up for some crazy shit drama.
Taking a deep breath I turn and look at the front of the class.

The hell!?

“Heath? Amethyst? Lara? What- what are you guys doing here?” I ask beyond surprised.

It’s not just Ryan but the whole team is here?

Each one of them gives out a sigh of relief when I call out their names. Did they think I’d forgotten them or what?

Ryan though a pained look on his face, gave me a distant smile filled with worry and a tad bit of joy.

Before I could think or act, Ninnon who miraculously appeared beside me from the front of the class, pulled me aside and whispered to me that Adrien had come barging in panicked, demanding if everything was alright and wanting to know where I was. When someone from class had told him Ethan pulled me off somewhere Ninnon says she saw his face fall. An expression that was easy to be read as me not wanting his support anymore and that I was turning to Ethan now.


Was the President right? Is he really overprotective of me? No, that can’t be. Uncle Cam must have sent him to find me. But then why did Ninnon say he looked panicked. Is she over exaggerating?

I bet she is.

Somewhere inside my heart, I felt a pull of a heartstring though. Like I felt relieved he had come to my aid.

Fuck! What!? Wait. Did my freaking heart just thump a beat for that guy?

“Ames!” Heath pulls me by the arm and wrapped his strong buffed arms around my waist holding me tight.

Focus Amelia. It’s not Adrien you need to concentrate on but these guys.

“I’ve missed you.” His voice was muffled as he buried his face on the nook of my neck.

Where I Belong #Wattys2021Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz