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Hi everyone! Not much to say this time around, but thanks for over 400 reads! As promised, a short recap of chapter 10 will be first followed by chapter 11. 

This chapter is dedicated to @wings100 for her amazing comment on chapter 10, thankyou so much! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter, more of Mason and Heidi this time! Please vote, comment and show support! 

-H xx


*Chapter 10 recap*- For those who may not have wanted to read the offensive themes of the previous chapter. 

At Ella's fifteenth, Heidi flies into a rage and attacks Oliver, Ella's boyfriend, for sexually assaulting her. Heidi is pulled off by Mason and she runs away from the situation, only to flashback to a time when Dan sexually assaulted her on her sixteenth birthday and took her virginity. Mason comforts Heidi and takes her home. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Onto chapter 11!

I felt embarrassed. Weak. Self-pitying. It had been a week since I let my past get a hold of me and I hadn't shown my face in town since. I was scared of the pitying looks; of how people would treat me. Would they treat me like a loose cannon? Would they feel like they had to walk on eggshells around me? I was sure that, if I wasn't before, that I was definitely the talk of the town. It was time, however, to show my face again despite how much I just wanted to crawl under my duvet and shrink away into nothingness. We had asked for another week in the little, old hotel on the side of town, but it was time to move into the B&B. 

Mum found out, of course. They all tried to keep it quiet, but news of Oliver's arrest flew around the town like wildfire. As if the town divide wasn't obvious enough to begin with, Mason's family and friends barely left the sprawling manor and their little secluded space at the edge of town by the forest. Well, according to mum anyway. Josie nor Dee had gone to work and Jane had closed the antique shop. She was torn, like me. She was proud of me, she said, for standing up for another woman, but that was another dangerous man that I had been in contact with. She was in two minds whether to stay or go. After all, we were only supposed to be passing through. 

Despite everything, I found myself begging and pleading with her to stay. The carnal desire that wanted me to stay had increased tenfold, and now, I wasn't sure if I could leave even if I wanted to. Seeing me that way, so desperate to stay, mum obliged although she couldn't see quite why. 

I didn't really know either. 

It felt like my fault. We were finally settling down and falling in love with our new home, and I just had to ruin that. I felt guilty, although I couldn't quite piece why. Deep down, I knew I had done the right thing, but it surely wasn't my place to get involved? 

And the way I acted? I could feel my face grow hot with flame and I tucked my knees into my chest as the raging butterflies twisted and turned in my stomach, contributing to the everlasting sick feeling that I couldn't be rid of no matter how hard I tried. The tears had finally stopped though. I think I had run out. 

"Are you going to leave that bed some time this side of the century?" Mum asked, as she continued packing clothes into her case. We didn't have many belongings, it wouldn't take long to pack everything up. 

I sighed and shook my head, a week was more than enough time to wallow. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and ran my hands through my hair, grimacing as I felt the grease that was coating the roots. I would really need to wash it, and it definitely still needed cutting. I pulled out my small, purple case from under the bed and began folding clothes to go into it. 

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