"Nein. However, there is an ask for help from Sakura Empire for a battle tomorrow afternoon." 

"I see. I'll go over the daily reports now. I have to document for my father on his return anyway."

"As you wish. My tactical services are available when requested. Z23 can be on an assignment at anytime. All U-boats a currently available. Until then Commander." Odin bowed and was going to leave you in peace to tend your work.

"Anything Commander?" Asked Z23.

"Good for now. Thank you." He nodded and watched them head back and close the door behind them. Then stared at the file cabinet in the corner of the quarters. "Alright Father, what's this plan you are going with?" The man walked over and pulled out two files. It was the last and current month. "I have a bad feeling about this."

As a curious boy trying to learn in a library, he started at the front and skimmed through. Maintenance, washes bow to stern, weapon reloads to upgrades, and the works. Though in his findings there was a big shocking detail that he could not overlook.

Project SSE
Sakura Siren Express

"No... It can't be."

It came to my attention that Sakura Empire a neutral territory wanted to form an alliance. The big question and concern was why out of the blue? Was it for peace? Was it because of the power we possess? Our advanced U-boat forces? It was odd to me. After days of discussion, it came to terms that were seeking power.

But not just any power. They had a plan to seek power from the Sirens. The enemy to this Earth land and sea. If they have a plan to potentially cripple the Sirens it must be looked into. Combined it could be only help the reign of Iron Blood.

Clovis was horrified. "Nein! That would never do." There was a knock on the door that made him flinch. "Ja? Come in."

"Guten morgen CJ. You look rather professional." Prinz Eugen let herself in.

"Thank you. Still getting used to the coat. It's a little big."

"Ja but you look like a man."

"Aren't I supposed to? Like..." He just saw her grin. "Got it. But you realize a mustache like my father isn't happening."

"Nein. No need. That smooth face is rather cunning."

"Ummm, thanks?"

"Come now CJ, confidence makes a man handsome. And a good leader that has his people believe." A little cheering up made him blush. "Feeling alright?"


"You act as if a woman has never talked to you."


"You are cute after all."


She giggled. "Come now. I do not bite."

"I'm sure..." Clovis doesn't realize he's playfully being seduced. Worked up, but doesn't see how close Eugen is in her grasp. "So, anyways, can we-"

"Ja. Ja. Back to business. Any questions dear boy?"

"Yeah. Your uhhh- tactics. What do you know about the current events!?" Poor Clovis is rattled. Clearly wet behind the ears.

"Specifically? There all so much." She wanted to see if Clovis or 'CJ' could use his words.

"What the hell is Commander thinking!?" He boomed. 

"Oh? Found something in his notes?"

"Why are we aligning with Sakura Empire? Simply just think of imagining The Sirens giving in and we take the power that we dream of?"

Eugen looked out the window. "Ironblood could rule again."

"Nein! My father is outrageous. Power no one can control and he is taking it out on the Brits and Americans as if it is some harpy in a church. How can be so naive? Is he drunk on power?"

"He has been at the pub after work." Eugen pointed it out.

"That is not the point. The man hitting the Dortmunder at this desk? Nein. This is bullshit." Clovis is started to flare up. 

"So CJ, we can check with Commander soon. Right?"

"Ja..." He shook his head.

"Maybe perhaps Odin may provide you assistance. Or do you desire something else?"

"You got any coffee?" He sighed.

"Tired are we? Sure. Jacobs okay?" She asked.

"Wonderful. Make it double."

"As you wish CJ." She walked over to massage his shoulders. 

"Eh? What?" He was caught off guard. 

"So tense. Ja, stressful job."

"I am uh-"

"Comforting the leader before the coffee. Black right?"

"But of course."

"Ja." She stopped and took her hands off. "Be right with you."

Clovis watched her walk out. As she closed the door Prinz Eugen caught him staring at her. "I'll be right back. You can stare at my arsch (ass) later." She winked at him.

"Nein!" He gasped. "You have the wrong-" The door closed. "Verdammt!" (Damn it)


This is interesting and a hard one. Especially since I don't know how long this will last. But I love a challenge.


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