30. Taking The Bullet, What A Wicked World

Start from the beginning

Johnson stands in front of me, "Well, the drug worked better than I expected. Honestly, you wouldn't have been able to move for six hours, but I let you sleep for twelve, that boyfriend of yours has been quite the menace, calling your family, scouting along the forest, only all I had to do was plant that necklace of yours on the opposite side of Sylvan point, he found it, before shoving his fist into a tree. All of that, and he couldn't suspect me even if he thought he had substantial evidence in anything. I've been doing this for years, your boyfriend lacks experience, therefore, all he'll find is your mangled body, at some point, if you do not cooperate, Melanie." He says to me, holding the barrel at my forehead.

My god, Edmund. Johnson planted the necklace, probably around the same place Bella's, I presume. I buck forward, my head swirling and my limbs felt numb, he sighs in irritation, "Who gave you the information, Melanie?" He asks me.

Breathing was difficult, thinking was near to impossible.

He grabs my chin and lifts my head up, "Who gave you information about those girls? You came snooping in the file room at the police station too, there's no point in denying it. Now, give me the name, who gave you such information?" He asks me.

I groan at the pain in my neck, "I...don't...know." I mutter.

He works his jaw, "Last chance, tell me who supplied you with detailed information? This could save your life, Melanie." He says, lowly, a growl rising in his chest when I shake my head, a whimper escapes my lips.

"I...told you. I...don't know."

He grits his teeth, "Since you refuse, you leave me no choice."

He points the gun at my tied up form. The styled caliber in his shaky hands, "I'm sorry, Melanie but, that's enough. You know too much. I can't let you live with what you know." He says to me, cocking the gun. The duck tape along my mouth is slowly ripping off with the perspiration drowning around my face, he reveals a knife from his back holster.

He holds the knife underneath the gun, "Why did you do it? Why did you hurt those girls?" I ask him again, using my shoulder to rip the tape off my mouth, the pain was far away now.

His nostrils flare, "Why do you think? They would complain to me that their Principal Jewel, the fucking perfectionist, was a wicked witch attempting to seduce her way out of the constant robberies she has along with her other qualities. Gosh, beautiful. You fought harder than any of them did, than any of them could. You have more money than imaginable and what do you with it? you soak in it like the spoilt little bitch you are. I didn't rape Stella, she wanted it, Melanie. Her boyfriend wasn't too agreeable. Stella was a slut, everyone knew it." He spits at me.

I flinch, "Charlize, Corinne, Bella and Stella did not deserve what you did to them. Why did you choose them? Because they were blonde, they were pretty, they had money and what? You were jealous of that. Why pick me?" I grunt against the twitching broken chair, against the darkly lit cabin. Wanting more answers and distracting him as best I could.

"Because, you're all of them combined. I wanted you, time and time again, you would never reciprocate. Then, you just had to kiss that rich bastard at the ball. I'm the one who has been protecting you from everything else, you still chose him!" He clicks the gun. I close my salted, bitter eyes.

"I don't even know you." I moan in further exhaustion, besides him giving me sleeping pills, I hold my breath to attempt to stop the sharp pounding in my ears and my temples.

"If you just cooperated, Melanie. If you just stopped looking into those crimes, I would have protected you from this outcome, do you realise that? This would not have happened if you had let it go." He says to me, I work harder and efficiently. My heart was pounding when I stare back at the barrel of the gun. One tiny metal token, that could take a life in a split second. I have my family to think about Mom, Dad, my brothers, my uncles, aunties, Lorraine, Edmund, all of them.

The Little Dove #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now