••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part2) ☆••

Começar do início

Her: “Don’t worry. I can handle my situation.”

Him: “Um… By the way, Rose. Can I ask you a favor?”

Her: “Sure”

Him: “When you come back here, can I have a time with you? I just… I just want to say something very important.”

Her: “Go on, tell me now. I'm listening.”

Him: “No, I have to say it in person.” (tense)

Her: “Oh, okay. I’ll find time.”

Him: “Thanks”

Her: “All right, I have to hang up now. Duty calls.”

Him: “Okay, take care of yourself there. Bye.”

Her: “I will. Thanks, bye.”

When the call ended, Rose looked back at Dylan. “It’s Max.”

“I know. You mentioned his name while on the phone.” he replied. “Is he asking you out?”

She remembered when he got out of control because she went out with his friend. “Yeah. I think he has a problem. He sounded very serious.”

“What if I tell you I don’t want you to see him?” he asked in a serious tone.

She furrowed her forehead. “What is your problem with Max? Aren’t you in good terms?”

“Don’t you get it, Rose? …Max likes you.” he revealed. Although, he felt a bit guilty of taking his friend's chance to say it first.

“Pfft! That’s impossible.” she disagreed.

“He told me.” he admitted.

She looked at him for a moment before she responded. “I don't get it. How?” she asked in a confused tone.

“I’ll be frank with you right now… You lack intuition and common sense.” he told her, then a pillow landed straight to his face. “Hey, don’t get mad at me. I just want you to be aware of it. I’m actually wondering why all this time you still don't suspect me of how I feel for you, because if it’s another girl, she will definitely sense it right away.”

“And I’m equally wondering why you fell in love with me. You know I'm very different from the girls you used to like before.” she argued.

“If Max fell in love with you with his eyes open, then I can too.” he claimed.

“I have to meet him. I want to hear it from his own mouth.” she said.

“And what if I’m right?” he asked, calming himself.

“I want to hear it from him first.” she insisted.

“You’re not going to choose him over me, are you? I met you first." He paused. "It’s either you choose me, or never fall in love with someone else.” he bossed firmly.

Blue Rose in a Dark RoomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora