••☆ Chapter 18: "First Pleasure" (Part1) ☆••

Start from the beginning

In the morning, Rose woke up with mild cramps in her left shoulder. She also felt a weight on her stomach. When she looked to her left, she was surprised Dylan was there beside her squeezing her in his arm.

"You little sneaker" she mumbled voicelessly.

Since she couldn't move, she decided to stay in bed and let him sleep longer.

When he woke up, he didn't quickly realize that he was not in his own bed. It took him a few seconds to remember what he did last night. As he did so, he slowly released Rose's body from his arm and quietly went back to his bed.

"What makes you think that telling me you love me would allow you to sneak into my bed in the middle of night while I was sleeping?" she spoke.

He was surprised. He acted a bit jumpy. He thought she was still sleeping. "I... I just thought that maybe you were also cold, so I shared the heater with you." he reasoned in a tense voice. "I didn't do anything bad. I just slept beside you. I swear."

"Well, at least inform me before you do it." she argued calmly.

"I didn't want to wake you up... and I know you wouldn't agree." he replied, pouting.

"Of course, I wouldn't... What if your mom sees us sleeping together in one bed? What will she think of me?" She paused. "Oh god, I can't imagine it." she said in a distressed voice.

"Are you thinking my parents won't like you to be my girlfriend? Is that the problem here?" he asked in an upset tone.

Before she answered, he got up abruptly from his bed. "I'll tell them now. Wait here."

Rose raced to him and grabbed his arm. "Are you crazy? Don't do that."

"I can convince them. They let me decide who I want to be with." he told her.

"Can we... Can we calm down first and talk about it properly? ...Please?" she begged.

He felt her fear in her voice. "Did you reject me because my life isn't like yours? ...Am I pressuring you because I'm from a rich family?" he asked in a serious tone.

She sighed. "Partly" she answered, almost like a whisper.

"Partly? ...What else then? ...Telling me you're not pretty won't work for me anymore." he replied in an upset voice, then he calmed down. "If you want to travel the world, then let's do it together... I really want to be part of your life. Give me a chance."

Rose did not deny to herself that she was hearing beautiful words from him at that moment, but she still couldn't picture herself in the place he wanted her to be. She held his hands and looked straight at his face.

"Dylan... I do appreciate what you feel for me. I'm glad to hear that there's someone who wants to be with me... but I really can't see a good future for us... Believe me, there's someone else for you out there. You will miss your chance meeting her, if I let you get stuck with me." she told him in the best way she could.

She was certain about her decision, but oddly her eyes didn't agree with her. They ached and watered. Since he could not see her, she let them shed tears. She believed she was doing the right thing, but she couldn't understand why her heart feels unhappy.

Dylan pulled her close and held around her waist. After he heard her selfless words, he felt a strong urge inside of him. "And what if you're wrong? ...What if we're really meant for each other, but you wrongly forced me to love someone else?" He paused. "None of us really knows what's in our future, but right now... I badly wanted you to be mine.

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