Requesting Feedback

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Hello! So you are a writer seeking feedback on your work, huh? Well I am a post-graduate currently working full-time as a freelance writer who would love to assist beginning writers when I can. 

To request I review your work, simply follow the steps outlines below. Incomplete requests will not be considered. I am down to read all genres and all content, so don't worry about that.

1. Follow me. If you want to unfollow after I look over your work, that is fine, I understand.

2. Leave a comment below with:
**the title of your book
**the chapter you want feedback on (one chapter per book currently, but you can request another after I'm done with the first, and so on)
**the type of feedback you seek (spelling/grammar, story flow, dialogue, length, etc.)

3. Check out my book, "The Gift of Flight," and leave some feedback on the current chapter. Once this is done, I'll consider your application complete and get to work on your review!

4. That's it! I highly recommend looking at the works of others who request help. Perhaps you'll find a future collaborator or writing friend. 

I will do my best to work through any requests as soon as I can. If I ever sound presumptuous, or you want to give feedback on my feedback, please feel free to! We can always improve, but sometimes it takes outside eyes to do so.

I am doing this in my free time for free, but if you would like to donate to my ko-fi ( it would be very much appreciated.

Happy Writing!

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