
   Boruto had gotten separated from Sakura, Sarada, and Himawari. He saw a butterfly and went to chase it. By the time he realized he got separated from all of them, he was in the middle of the woods. He was lost and scared. Nobody was around to help him find his way back, until this couple approached him.

   "Are you lost?" A really pretty woman asked. She had long, dark blue hair and eyes like his Aunt Hanabi's. She looked really kind and made him feel safe somehow.

   "We can help you find your way back home." The man next to her gave off a warm safe feeling like the woman next to him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes that reminded him a lot of Grandpa Minato. The two looked really familiar. Then, it hit him. They looked exactly like the picture of his parents in his and Himawari's room.

   "Are you my mommy and daddy? You look like them." Naruto and Hinata smiled at him, which he took as a yes.

"Everyone told me and Himawari that you guys were never coming back. You guys were heroes and saved all of us, but you could never come back because of it." Boruto took their hands and skipped along side them as they lead him back to the village.

"How old are you and your sister?" Hinata asked.

"We're four years old! We're about to be five though." Boruto grinned.

"What?! No way! You're so big!" Naruto yelled.

"Yes way! I really am four!" Boruto giggled.

"Boruto!" Sakura yelled. She ran to him and gave him a hug. "You can't run off like that, ok. You really scared me."

"Himi! Himi, I saw mommy and daddy! See, they're right her- where'd they go? They were right here!" Boruto looked side to side not knowing where his parents were.


All of Himawari's life, she would here this little voice telling her tips and advice, like "those boots do not go with that shirt. Pick the shirt second to the left". The voice would also help her in directions. She got lost pretty easily, but every time that voice would help her get to wherever she needed to go. For the first few years of her life, she didn't think anything of it. She had never met the voice and had never been that curious about it; until, she was eight. At eight years old she was curious about the voice and wanted to meet it.

   "Took you long enough." Kurama said.

"Are you the voice I sometimes hear?" Himawari asked.


"Thank you... Uh... what's your name?"

"Kurama, the nine tailed fox, most powerful of all the tailed beasts."

   "Thank you, Kura!"

   "Kura? Wha- no. Let's stick with Kurama."

   "What? You don't like it?" Himawari frowned.

   "Uh- you know what, Kura is just fine too."

   "Yay!" Himawari hugged Kurama.

   "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

   "Shino-sensei taught my class that you were once sealed inside of the seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki, and he's my daddy. Is that true?"

  "Yeah, it is."

   "So you know my daddy? You must have a lot of memories with him!"

  "I do. I can tell you and your bratty brother some of them."



This next part was suggested by

"I'm sorry, Hinata." Naruto looked guilty.

"What for?" Hinata asked.

"I left Boruto and Himawari. I gave up on life for a while. I failed."

"You didn't leave them. We can watch over them and keep them safe from here. You eventually found your will to live again. And you didn't fail. You saved the future. You prevented the war. You don't have to be sorry for anything."

"I did? I succeeded? Everyone is safe?"

   "Everything's ok, believe it." Hinata wore a smirk.

   "Did you just-" Hinata nodded. "I love you." Naruto sighed in awe making Hinata giggle. They shared a kiss then a hug.


   Well, that's the end of this book. It's done and wrapped up. I'm sad to see it end, but I'm also proud of this book and all I've accomplished with it. Thank you guys for the reads and votes. And I have a recommendation for all you guys. For those of you who haven't read it, read this book called A Couple Steps Back. It's the greatest Naruto fan fiction out there.

   Have a good life and thanks for your time!

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