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The brunette sat on her bed, looking out her window and waiting for Sophie to come. She saw a figure walk up to the gate and pull out their Imparter. Biana jumped up from her bed, running outside but quick to slow before the figure could see her so excited. 'Soph!" she said, walking towards the gate.

"Sorry to disappoint!" Keefe laughed, stepping into the yard as Biana giggled with him. "Fitz should be in his room, Sophie and Dex should be coming soon." She smiled, making sure to stare into his frosted eyes. She had to act like she liked Keefe- No. She DID like Keefe, she told her thoughts, hoping that saying it enough would make it true.

Biana watched Keefe walk inside, seeing him through the windows while he walked into Fitz's room. She turned back towards the gate, waiting for Sophie to show up. No, she was waiting for Sophie and Dex to show up. Because she cared about them equally. At least, this is what she told herself.

A blonde girl with hair that reaches her waist and deep, brown eyes with perfectly clear skin materialized in front of her and waved. "Sophie!" Biana grinned, opening the gate for her crush. Her friend. Not her crush, her friend. Almost right after Sophie stepped into their garden, a petite boy with freckles all across his skin appeared right in front of Biana, inches away from her face. "Oh! Sorry, didn't mean too." the boy said, stepping away from her, looking flustered. They giggled in unison, Biana waving Dex inside with Sophie. They stepped into the crystal mansion together, following Biana to her brother's room.


The strikingly pretty brunette ushered Sophie and Dex into Fitz's room, which he and Keefe were sitting and chatting in. "Hey, Soph and Dex are here!" Sophie thought she saw Keefe blush at their sudden arrival. God, she hoped Keefe didn't like her. That would be a hell of a rejection. "Sorry Keefe, I don't like you because I'm only attracted to people I'm legally not allowed to be in love with." She tried to brush off this thought instead of focusing on her friends.

Keefe nodded. "Are we playing base quest? Because I call Foster!" he said, grinning. "We are, but no abilities! Vanishing makes it impossible to play." Biana laughed, motioning for them to follow her. Sophie walked over to Biana's side, waiting for Keefe and Fitz to follow them. They walked outside, stopping outside of the front door. "Okay, Keefe can be with Dex and Fitz, and then me and. Sophie will be together! You'll quest first." Biana grinned. Sophie moved over to Biana, smiling at her as she told the boys to turn around as they ran and looked for a base.

"I know a good place! Come with me!" Biana said to Sophie, and as Sophie followed after her, their legs brushed against each other. Sophie felt her face burn, hoping Biana wouldn't notice. It was only a small occurrence, nothing normal people care about. There was no reason for her to be embarrassed. But she was. She was VERY embarrassed. She glanced up at the other girl, surprised to see she was blushing too. Did Biana like her too? No. No, she doesn't. No way, she probably isn't even blushing. They've just been running for a few minutes. Totally. Sophie wished that was why SHE was blushing. Sophie wished she was normal.


Biana was NOT blushing because she was running. She was hyper-aware of how close she and Sophie were. The fact that their legs had touched just made her blush worse. After about 3 minutes, they were filled with flustered lesbian and chaotic bisexual thoughts from both girls and reached their destination.

The hiding place Biana had chosen was behind an area where the lines of hedges along the fence met. There was a small space that could fit just about three people. Biana climbed the hedge, motioning for Sophie to do the same.

"Come up!" The brunette said, smiling at Sophie, who was looking up at her. Sophie attempted to climb up, and...immediately fell off. She laughed it off, and Biana tried to laugh with her, but on the inside, she was freaking out, wondering if Sophie was okay. Sophie tried to climb up again, this time making it up to the top with Biana.

They slipped into the empty section, and Biana was grateful that they weren't too close for comfort. They waited together, not making too much noise. Biana's mind wandered to earlier, when the two girls had brushed against each other. She could have sworn she saw Sophie with her trademark flushed cheeks after it happened too. Could she like her back? No, because YOU don't like her. Girls don't like each other. Everyone knows that. Biana had a crush on Keefe, anyway.

Biana was trying to convince herself so much, shoving her feelings and thoughts away. She had heard Alvar say it over and over again. Disgusting. Sick. Need help. Gross. She had never heard anyone mention it before, but Biana was listening to Alvar on his Imparter, calling one of his friends from Foxfire. But what does that mean to her? He was right, wasn't he? Why does this make her so sad? You know why. Her mind hissed at her, and she tried to quiet her thoughts, wishing she didn't know why. Wishing she was normal.

"Hey, I think I know where they are." A deep, crisp voice spoke. Biana's eyes flashed to Sophie, smiling at her and nodding her head to the side to signal that that's where the voice came from. She heard sounds of struggle from Dex, felt the hedges move against her, and Keefe's signature snickering. A boy with bright, periwinkle eyes appeared on top of the bush. "Found you!" Dex smiled, jumping down from the hedge when Sophie and Biana stood up. "That was a perfect hiding place," Keefe said, looking impressed. "Alright, let's go inside! I'll ask Mom to make us custard bursts." Fitz said. Sophie beamed at this news, following the boy inside. 

a/n: 1032 words! whoo, this one was hard. im so bad at writing a romance where they aren't dating yet lmao, hope you like this! please comment and vote 💕

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