Chapter Three

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I wake up to the light breaking its way through the curtains. The curtains? What is this soft thing I'm laying on? I look around and remember that Mallory let us stay here for the next few days. She apologized for us having to share a room and a bed but after two years on the streets, last night felt like complete luxury even though Willow snores like a bear. I look around the room again and realize Willow must already be up but I can't seem to think of how to go look for her so I just decide to sit on the bed and wait.

"Will? Willow?" I call out.

Did she leave me? Tears fall down my cheeks at the idea of being left all alone in this room.

Just then, the door opens to reveal Willow with a glass of orange juice in her hand.

"Oh! What's wrong, Faye?" She asks as she moves to sit next to me.

"Y-You left me all a-alone in here and I didn't know w-where you were." I admit through my cries.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I just went into the kitchen to get some breakfast with Mallory. We have to leave soon so she can get to work on time."

"Oh okay."

I grab her hand as she leads me into Mallory's small but modern kitchen.

"Good morning, Faye! Are you hungry?" Mallory asks as she flips a pancake on the stove.

I nod in reply.

"Ok, sweetheart. This pancake is for you. We need to leave in about fifteen minutes though, okay? I put some clothes in your room and you're both welcome to use anything in the bathroom you might need."

After eating, showering, and getting ready for the day, Willow and I arrive at the OMA with Mallory and we play in the playroom for about thirty minutes before it's time for our second day of matching.

"Good morning, girls. How are you doing?" Mrs. Williamson asks after her assistant led us to her office.

"We're doing really good." Willow replies and I nod in agreement.

"How are you feeling about your matching day yesterday now that you've had some time to think it over? Does anyone stand out?"

"We've talked about it and we both really liked Jessica."

"Wow, the first one, huh? Okay, that's awesome. So today is just more of the same thing. You two can play and have the chance to meet some more caregivers to give you a little bit more options and tomorrow we'll take things to the next step, sound good?"

"Sounds good."

I follow Willow into the playroom and I waste no time by running to the dolls again. As I'm in my own little world, I don't notice Willow next to me until she says something.

"Can I play?" She asks quietly with a blush coating her cheeks.

"Of course, Will." I reply and hand her another doll. 

Why is she embarrassed? It takes me a few minutes to realize she's embarrassed because she's actually interested in the dolls and wants to play with me.

"Knock, knock! Hello, girls!" A woman with light brown hair says as she walks in.

I look up in shock as I see a man come in with her. The man has to be over six foot tall and looks a little scary so I scoot a little closer to Willow.

"Hi girls! I'm Vanessa and this is my husband, Jeremy." The woman introduces them.

"Hi, I'm Willow and this is Faye." Willow replies.

"It's nice to meet you girls. We've been looking for littles for a while now. How has everything been so far?" Jeremy asks in a big deep voice.

A chill runs over me as flashbacks of my uncle come over me. I thought I would be okay with a man being a caregiver, but I'm obviously not. Tears fill my eyes so I bury my face in the back of Willow's shirt.

"Hey, Hey. It's okay. It's okay." She says as she pulls me close.

"Is it- is it because of..." She starts to whisper. 

I nod my face into her neck.

"I'm sorry. Could you give us a few minutes?" Willow tells them.

"Absolutely." They reply and quickly leave the room.

"You're not ready for that and that's perfectly okay. We both know you really want a mommy and we've already found a great one in Jessica. No worries, Faye. Okay?"

I nod. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I still let him affect me."

"It's okay. It'll take some more time, that's all."

Just then, Mrs. Williamson walks in.

"Hey girls. Is everything alright? Did something happen?" She asks.

"Faye's just not comfortable having a male caregiver. Vanessa and Jeremy were very nice just not for us." Willow explains.

Mrs. Williams nods in understanding.

"Of course. I'll send them out politely. No worries." She replies before leaving the room.

After Mrs. Williamson let Vanessa and Jeremy out, Willow and I waited for the next caregiver to come.

"Hi girls! Nice to meet you. I'm Katelyn." A woman with a red braid down her back walks in.

"Hi! I'm Willow and this is my sister, Faye." Willow replies.

"I'm so excited to meet with y'all. How has your matching experience been so far?"

"Pretty good overall. Faye and I have really liked it."

"That's great. I've been looking for a little for a while and I love going to matching days even if I'm not picked. I just love getting to meet littles and hang out."

"Do you maybe want to play dolls with us?" Willow asks after I hand her and Katelyn a doll.

"I would love to. Hi, sweetheart." Katelyn turns to me. I feel myself blush and wave shyly. "I know you don't talk and that's totally okay, I just want you to know that I can already tell how sweet and adorable you are. I don't want you to feel left out because I'm just talking to Willow."

My heart warms at her words, the words I've always wanted to hear, words of acceptance. Without thinking, I reach over and hug her.

"Is your doll a fashion model, Faye? She has the most stylish outfit I've ever seen." Katelyn tells me. "And Willow yours seems to be a pretty awesome athlete by her outfit. And my doll seems... interesting by her crazy outfit choice."

I let out a giggle at her doll dressed in a rainbow polka dot tutu and a neon orange and yellow striped top.

"Which one of you dressed my doll?" Katelyn asks as she looks between us. "One of you tried to make me look like a clown."

Willow and I both burst into giggles as Katelyn proceeds to tickle us both until we confess.

Just then, Mrs. Williamson comes in and says Katelyn's time is up.

"Bye girls! I loved meeting you and spending time with both of you!"

"We loved it too." Willow replies.

Katelyn gets up to leave and my eyes fill with tears of their own accord and I start to cry.

"Aww, sweet girl. It's okay. We'll see each other again soon, if that's what you want, okay? I would love to be your caregiver if you choose me." Katelyn says as she lifts me into her arms and places a kiss on my cheek.

After Katelyn finally leaves, Willow and I head back to Mallory's house where we fall asleep with happy dreams of the coming future. 

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