DBZ- Goku x Vageta's Sayain sister Reader

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Y/n was having a pretty intense training session with her older brother Vegeta today

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Y/n was having a pretty intense training session with her older brother Vegeta today. But she just couldn't concentrate on him, all she could think about was.


Her brother sensed how weird his sister was acting, he raised his foot while she was deep in thought and kicks her as hard as he can into Balma's backyard wall, cracking it a bit. "Hey, you need to pay attention woman!" Vegeta yells at the sayain female. She pulls herself from the wall and dusts herself off. "What's up with you today?" Vegeta couldn't understand why she was acting so off. But before she could answer.

"Hey, Geta! Y/n/n!" The two turn to see Goku flying toward them. Y/n body instantly became hot as the older sayain came closer. Her face turning red, and her tail unraveling itself from her waist. Vegeta takes note of this as he watches his sister get excited at the sight of Goku. "Ah, Son Kakarot!" Goku's sweat drops as he hears Y/n call him this name. "Y/n how many times have I told you, it's just Kakarot or Goku." He looks directly in her eye's and she begins to malfunction.


"W-well I-It's just m-more respectful." I manage to stutter out. He giggles at me and grabs my shoulders. "You do have to treat me like a superior, we're friends aren't we?" He gives me a huge smile, but I couldn't find myself to return it. Friends, of course, I've tried very hard to get his attention ever since he and Chichi had divorced but, he just never seemed to notice.

"Y/n?" I move my head up to look at him, forcing a smile on my lips.

"Yeah, I umm better get ready for Balma's party." I walk away from the two leaving them confused.


I watched as my sister walks away into the house. I see what is going through her head now. I look back at Kakarot to see him looking dumbfounded. He looks at me and points at himself. "Was it something I said" I bring my hand to my head and sigh, Kakarot is such an idiot at times?

"We should head inside too Kakarot." He runs the back of his head and nods.


I look at myself in the mirror as Bulma does my hair, I haven't dressed up like this in years. Made me think back to older times. Bad times.

"Y/n honey go try on your dress." I was pulled out of my thought and nod to her. Grabbing the dress I walk to the bathroom to change. The dress was nothing like I've ever worn before, I used to long cute, elegant dresses. This one was short, very short, it was very raveling. I look at myself and blushed, could I go out with this on?

I peek my flustered face through the bathroom door. "B-Bulma?" I stutter out.

"Yes, Y/n?" She turns to see my flushed face. "D-do you think I could wear this." I look down in embarrassment. "Of course! You need to be more confident! Come out and show me!" She says.

You see I'm a bit on the chubby side, though I'm a fighter, I've always had a bit of fluff on me. I was always just the cutie princess of planet Vegeta, I had only worse things that made me look like a perfect doll. So wearing something like this is far just for me.
I slowly reveal myself to her and she just stands there with her mouth open for a few minutes. Did she think I looked bad?
"Bulma?" She snaps out of her gaze and gives me the biggest smile I had ever seen appear on her face. "You look fantastic!" She screams hugging me.

"You'll surely grab Goku's attention." She raised her eyebrows down while giving me a smirk. My face heats up and goes completely red. "BULMA!" She laughs and grabs my hand leading me to the stairs. My head started to swirl as we walked down, god I was nervous. "Hey everyone let's get this party started!" Bulma announced and everyone's eyes were on us, oh god they're all staring at me. I shyly look up to see everyone look directly at me. "W-wow Y/n you look great!" Yamcha stutters out blushing while gawking at my body. I hide behind Bulma too nervous to fully so myself. "Awe comes on Y/n, we got you all pretty. Remember confidence!" She hypes me.

I didn't want to disappoint Bulma, especially when she worked too hard to get me ready. I walk out from behind her hand behind my back. "H-hi." I look down and blush. "Wow." I look up to see Goku looking at me with a pink blush on his face. "Well, why do we get this party started!"


Music, moving, drinking. Bulma overdid herself this time, even though she knows I'm a lightweight she still is trying to stuff drinks into my system. I moved to the dance floor and swayed to the music. I felt a hand on my hips and I turn to see Yamcha, though I was drunk I was still extremely uncomfortable with this situation. I didn't want his hands on me.

I pull myself away from him and run outside, the feeling to vomit washing over me. I bend over and puke up all the consumed alcohol, I feel hands wrapping around my hair holding in back from my face. "You know you should overdo it with the alcohol." I look u ppl to see Goku smiling down at me while still holding my hair. "I wasn't trying to, but Bulma." I looked down. Goku knew how felt about Bulma, she was important to me. I never want to disappoint her. I stand up to look at Goku. "Thank you." He smiles his hand no longer in my hair but on my hip. We stare at each other for at least 1p mins before I looked away from him, my face red. "Hey, Y/n." Goku call put to me, he sounded very serious which was odd for him. Turn to look back at him, when I realized how close he had gotten to me. "G-Goku?" He pulls me into him by my hips, looking deep into my eyes without saying a thing.

"Y/n I love you."

I feel my heart light up with his words, as I was about to respond. I felt his lips touch mine.

I was shocked at first, but I felt into him feeling completely blissful. He pulls from me and I look up at him. "I love you too Goku."

We spent the rest of the evening under the sun and laying in the grass next to each other. I look at him as he slept. I hope we can always be with each other.

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