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The next few months flew by faster than Rose or Harry would've liked. In the blink of an eye it was Harry's birthday and Jamie was already five months old.

The first few months were rough for the couple. Jamie wouldn't sleep more than three hours at a time, so neither parent got much sleep. While they obviously had help from everyone, it was still hard, but the good outweighed the bad. The parents often found themselves crying at how fast Jamie was growing up. Sirius and Marlene came over on the same day that Jamie had smiled for the first time to find Rose and Harry practically sobbing as they encouraged Jamie to smile again.

Tillie was still protective of Jamie, but Potato could care less about the new addition to the family. Potato would try to get Jamie to play with her, but it would always end with her whining since Jamie couldn't do much playing. Harry or Rose would have to let Potato run around the yard to make her happy again.

For Harry's birthday he decided that he wanted to spend the day with his whole family, so Rose worked with Mrs. Weasley and their parents to arrange a dinner. She made plans for the family of three to spend the day together before the dinner, starting with breakfast in bed.

"Wake up, dummy," Rose said as she used her hip to push open their bedroom door. She had gotten up with Jamie to make sure that Harry would be able to sleep in, but she had placed Jamie onto the bed with Harry once the baby had been fed and changed. Harry had at some point moved so he was laying on his back with Jamie on his chest.

"What time is it?" Harry groaned as he reached for his glasses, making sure to not bother Jamie too much.

"Nine," Rose answered. Harry grunted as he sat up, still holding Jamie to his chest.

"You made me breakfast," Harry noted, a soft smile on his face.

"Of course, birthday boy," Rose replied, placing the breakfast tray on his lap as she grabbed Jamie from him. "Today is all about you."

"Excuse you, I'm the birthday man," Harry corrected.

"You're a little boy in my eyes," Rose said with a shrug.

"Let my parents keep Jamie over night and I'll show you how much of a man I am," Harry said, smirking at Rose. She rolled her eyes and tried to hide her blush, looking away from Harry's chest. They had had few chances to be alone since Jamie was born, and they both knew that they needed a day just to themselves.

"Eat your breakfast, old man," Rose replied.

"I'm not old," Harry scoffed but he started to eat his pancakes anyways. Rose and Harry had both taken cooking lessons from Mrs. Weasley so they would be able to properly feed themselves and their son, so the pancakes were actually good.

"So, what's it like being twenty?" Rose asked.

"The exact same as nineteen," Harry replied.

"I think twenty will be fun for us," Rose said as she stole a bite of Harry's pancake.

"I think so too," Harry said. "Maybe we finally won't have to worry about Death Eaters."

"Merlin help any Death Eater who tries to harm my family," Rose growled. Harry was almost frightened at the look on her face, but it quickly changed when Jamie woke up, yawning and stretching in her arms.

"Hey, little man," Rose greeted. Jamie sleepily smiled up at her and Harry leaned over and grabbed a camera, snapping a picture of the mother and son.  "Can you tell Daddy happy birthday?"

Jamie didn't seem to care about Harry at all as he grabbed at Rose's chest for some breakfast.

"Someone is greedy," Rose chuckled, but she let him eat anyways.

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