Old Friends and Rivals

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Tails POV:
Now that I know what world Sonic is at I can't wait to get there! "You ready guys?" I asked the others. "Are you sure this is a good idea Tails?" Amy asks following me and the others. "Positive" I replied going up to the master emerald. "Let's see who's coming and who's staying to gaurd the master emerald" I said and looked at the others. "Who's coming?" I asked. "Me, you, Knuckles, Blaze, and Larry" Amy said. "Hi" Larry said. "Who are you if you don't mind me asking" Knuckles said. "I'm Larry, I accidentally did some things in the past and now trying to make up for it" Larry introduced (same tiger from my first book). "Don't know what that is though but whatever it is I'm sure they can forgive you" I said. He put his head down and I felt really bad for him.

1 hour later
"Here we are" I said pointing to the emerald shrine. Knuckles walked up and looked at us. "You sure you're ready guys?" He asked. "Yes Knuckles! Now say the chant already!" Amy said with her hammer in her hand. "Alright alright" Knuckles said then does his chant. Next thing I know we're falling from the sky, that until a purple girl with black glasses caught me. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Y-yeah thanks um" I responded. "Twilight" she said. "I'm Miles but you can call me Tails" I introduced. "Why?" She asked putting me down. I got confused and realized that my friends are humans. Luckily, Sonic got my back. "Back where we're from he's a two-tailed fox" Sonic said. What does he me- is he a human!? "Oh! Cool Miles" the girl said. "Th-thanks" I stammered unknowingly.

Sonics POV:
I see my buddy. Having a crush on Twilight. You two are perfect as far as I know about her. "Alright. Everyone? I think it's time for proper introductions other than falling from the sky" I said. "He's right" Shadow said.

Tails now has pure white skin, orange short hair with white highlights, light grey short jeans, and same gloves and shoes. His bag is light brown, more of a organizer on the outside with a white strap.

Knuckles has the same red skin, light red long hair, green and white jersey, light blue pants, and same shoes and gloves doesn't have the points. His bag is light green with a yellow strap.

Blaze now has the same purple color skin, lavender long hair, a dark blue jacket with a white t-shirt under, white long pants, red fuzzy boots, and same gloves. Her bag was the same as Tails's just red with a white strap.

Amy now has light pink skin, short hot pink hair with a red headband, red dress, white long pants, same shoes, same bracelets, and same gloves. Her bag was the same as Shadows just with a different color scheme.

Larry now has light brown skin, orange and black hair, same blue vest with a white shirt under this time, gray jeans, light gray sneakers, and same gloves. His bag is neon red, neon yellow, and the same as Silvers otherwise.

Amy's POV:
We introduced each other except instead of saying I'm Sonics girlfriend like I used to do. I just introduced myself as his closest friend aside from Tails and Knuckles. They seem nice and I kinda ship Sonic with Rainbow. What? They look good together.

"How about you check what's inside your bags before we go in? Also me, Shadow, and Silver are supposed to be brothers so can you also pretend it's like that?" Sonic half asked half pleaded us. We agreed and looked into our bags and see what we're bringing to class today.

Third Person POV:
Inside Tails' bag was a laptop, some books, pouch of rings, and a communicater. Knuckles' was books, pouch of rings, extra gloves, and a communicater. Amy's was books, pouch of rings, makeup, and a communicater. Larry's was a pouch of rings, a blue journal(diary from Mobius), extra gloves, and communicater. Everyone puts their communicaters on while Larry pushes his diary deeper into the bag. Since it contains some events that he felt self aware of from their history.

They put their bags on and heads towards the School. "You all will need to take your orientations first and come up with new names" Sonic explained. His friends were confused but nodded in understanding. They headed to Principal Celestias office and their friends are now having their orientations.

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