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>Notes at the end of the chapter, nothing bad just a few details needed :) This chapter is a fucking rollercoaster of emotions, mainly goodish, so prepare<


The small omega was locked in a room with no windows. It had fold down bed built into the wall, a single blanket, and a throw pillow. Next to the locked door was a stool that had a glass of water and a granola bar.

He'd lost track of time. The only thing that kept him going was that two times a day, the door would open and he'd be brought another bar, water, and offered heat suppressants if needed.

Through the walls to the left and right he could hear others. Through the wall to his left he could hear a faint sobbing and to his right he heard two voices.

He had started to loose hope of ever seeing anyone again two voices sounded outside his door.

"Let me see him. The three of us completed the mission and you said I could see him." Why did that voice sound so familiar. "Don't yell at me. I've got to get the right key. You have ten minutes." "I can live with ten minutes as long as our conversation isnt supervised. He's my friend." The deeper voice laughed.

Bad, sitting on the bed, scooted to the wall as close as he could get. 'He's my friend'?

The lock clicked open and an all to familiar face was thrown in, the door locked behind him.

"Wilbur!" Bad kept from his spot and trapped the other ina hug. "Wilbur please get me out. Please say you're here for me. I wanna see Rat. I miss you guys. Zak, Nick, George, Clay. All of you! Please Wilbur-" Wilbur pushed him back a bit. "Darryl I can't get you out. I was only promised a visit."

"Visit? Wait... Wilbur what is this? Where am I? Why are you here?" Bad took a step back.

"Bad, c'mon. I was forced into this job. Bad, you've been taken by the organization and you're up for sale on the black market. I've convinced boss to hold you here until I can afford the price he set for you. I'm here because I work for them. I won't let them hurt you."

Bad was lost in thought, his expression pained. "You... Who all knows I'm here? Where's Rat, is she okay? Is everyone okay?" Bad asked frantically. Wilbur nodded. "Rat is staying with George, Nick, and Clay. She's alright. Everyone is okay."

Bad sighed, a bit of relief flooding in with it. "Bad, while I have the power, would you like anything? Food, drink, company?"

"I wanna go home." Bad said plainly, curling his knees to his chest on his bed. Wilbur's gaze softened. "I'm... I'm sorry. I'm trying my hardest, I swear. I'll raise the money, I promise. I'll get you out I just- I just need time."

Darryl and Wilbur just shared a pained gaze. Wilbur had to force himself to leave before he did something dumb like trying to sneak Bad out. That'd just end worse.


The door closed behind him and Wilbur turned to face the boss. "How much do I need to get?" He asked softly, stuffing his hands in his pockets to grab his wallet.

"At least a million by the end of the month. That's two weeks. Unmated omegas sell for a high price, but be one of my best workers and I'll cut the price in half when the time comes." Wilbur looked through his wallet and grabbed all the cash out, flipping through it to count it.

"Here. All the cash I have on hand plus today's payment. That's a total of almost 40,000. There. My downpayment. And for that I ask that you let me bring him a special gift. Just some of his favorite snacks, a drink, and a few photos. Please?"

Starry Nights (DreamNotFound Omegaverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now