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⸻06; last wish

the second week i couldnt walk anymore and i had to be put in a weelchair. i apologized to the soccer coach and told them i couldnt play volleyball anymore. the team was crying as well.

i didnt expect the days to go by so fast, but it was already the second week of the last three weeks.

"miya, what do you want to do today?" nishinoya asked me, i had asked him to treat me as if i werent about to die. he understood and we walked home as usual.

we picked our favourite flavour garigarikun popsicle and ate it happily. i was happy after all.

"what do you want to do in the last week?" nishinoya had asked me. i knew exactly what i wanted to do. watch the soccer spring tournament. i didnt have to see the whole tournament, as long as i saw one game.

"watch the soccer tournament." i exclaimed happily, and sunk back into the wheelchair. nishinoya watched as i fell back into my wheelchair, and nodded.

"it starts on tuesday, right?" he asked, and threw the popsicle stick away.

"yup! it's not much of a last wish, but i really want to see the team play one last time." i told him, and we smiled at eachother.

tuesday had arrived and i sat in the team bus for one last time. we sang the songs we always sung when we went to the game. we made our usual teenage girl jokes, and talked about boys.

i watched the game happily with nishinoya by my side, we cheered at the team, and watched how the scored. the team pointed to me everytime they scored, causing the audience to look at me.

i wont know what will happen after that game, but that's okay. my last wish was fulfilled, at least you'd think.

my last wish is on this piece of paper right here. im writing all my encounters and favourite moments with you. nishinoya, im sorry i left you like this. i just wanted you to know that i loved to eat all those garigari-kun popsicles after school, playing volleyball with you and had random talks at lunch.

i love you, yuu. till we meet again

-hiromi miyashiro :)

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