『Chapter 4』Tok Aba's Iced Chocolate is the Best!

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In case you're wondering, they aren't wearing their signature caps. Yup yup, and different clothes too. Imagine their clothes in your way, just remember they are fourteen year old lively boys.

Sorry for saying I will upload the chapter in a fews hours when it turned out to be days/weeks (it's already November lol). I remake the chapters because my brain suddenly yelled, "NEW IDEAS!" and I've been too obsessed in instagram (due to drawing XD). I need to make a schedule for updating.

*cough* Enjoy!
(I won't promise for the next update...since I'm bad at it. And warning, bad English Grammars!)


"C'mon Api, I know you're disappointed. But, please, come out." Tanah muttered, knocking the door softly as he sighed. He did feel regret for even bringing up the idea and dragging his brothers. If he knew that something like this going to happen, he would ditch the idea.

Still, he didn't want his brother to be miserable alone. He knocked again, hoping Api would let him in. "Api, I'm really sorry. It was a bad idea. But please, don't dwell it alone. Me and Air are here."

"Only you. I just want my sleep."

If Tanah could hit his brother's head, he would smack it really hard. However, after the incident of the talk with their father, he knew Air wasn't in the right state. Not when Air kept looking away and not facing Tanah despite standing besides him.

Air sighed. "Let's call it a night, Tanah. He'll be fine in the morning. He is Api." He stated, still looking away. "I'll head to my room now. Good night."

Before Air could walk away, a strong grip on his shoulder stopped him. He didn't say anything but his head was still down. Tanah sighed, his right hand moved to find Air's hands until he grasped it. He smiled as his left hand reached to pat Air's head.

"You know, the three of us haven't slept together for a long time." He said, giving a warm smile. "As Tok Aba said, warm hugs always makes everyone's day."

Air didn't reply. He just returned the squeeze of their hands until he nodded. Seeing Air agreeing, Tanah pulled Air and opened Api's door slowly. It wasn't lock but Tanah felt like it was proper if he knocked and earned Api's permission. Knowing he would never get an answer, barging in was a wise decision.

Despite the room being dark, he spotted Api in his bed with his blanket over him. From the stiff posture, Tanah knew his brother wasn't asleep yet. He moved with Air following until he reached Api's bed and put a hand on the covers, thinking it was Api's head he felt from his palm.

"Api, do you think your bed could fit another two doppelgängers of yours?"

Silence. But after two minutes passed, Api untangled himself from the blankets and moved his body to the wall. The action made Tanah smiled until he laid on the bed besides Api as Air laid besides Tanah. Being the middle between his little brothers, he patted both of their heads before giving some gentle strokes which made Api and Air calmed down.

He hummed a soft lullaby, a soft tune that always made Api and Air calmed when they had problems. Because the three had been together since little, they relied on each other. Without having a mother, Tanah acted as the big responsible brother for Api and Air.

Well, having a busy father was already saddening for them.

Tanah perked up as he heard a muffled voice from Api, "I hate dad."

"Me too." Air replied, yawning and getting comfy under the blankets.

Tanah grimaced. His hands that were stroking Api's and Air's heads turn into comforting soft pats as he smiled. "Honestly, count me in."

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