Chapter 68

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My brain is in a fog.

I don't feel like packing. I just sit at the table for what feels like forever. Staring at Vance who is sitting across from me.

"So Vance are we ever going to talk about you being my father?" I ask.

"I figured I would stick around for a while and we could do family therapy at your facility." He replies.

"Oh so we are family now?" I question.

"Hardin you have always been family." He replies.

"Funny because I am pretty sure you let me believe another man was my father my whole life" I yell.

"Hardin I don't want to upset you and I think we should wait to talk about all this." Says Vance.

"Im so fucking sick of everyone tip toeing around me." I yell again.

Vance gets up "then learn to handle your shit, we can't all keep babysitting you Hardin, your going to be a father how can you take care of another life when you can't even take care of your own."

"Wait what?!" Trish quickly questions

"Well you know what I will probably be a really shitty one I haven't had the best of dads in my life." Hardin says.

"Can you guys just stop." My mum says to myself and Vance "you are having a baby?" She asks Tessa.

"Yes, i wanted to tell you it's just been a lot." Tessa replies.

My mum hugs Tessa. And then turns around and slaps me "Hardin get your act together" I wasn't expecting that. And it was a good slap too. I just hold my face for a second.

"Alright can we just go? I'm done with this." I say as I move into my room to pack my things.

I just start throwing shit in there I don't even care. I just want to get this stupid shit over with. Nobody else is ready to go so I decide to head down and wait by the car slamming the door on the way out.

When I get to the car I light up a joint.

Tessa comes out first.

"Really Hardin." She says.

"It helps the Cancer...remember." I reply.

"You don't get to do that. You don't get to be a dick just to be a dick. Stop." She says as she grabs it and throws it to the ground.

"You're right. But you always are." I say

"Look I get your pissed off at the world right now but  grow the fuck up Hardin." She yells.

"Okay Tessa." I reply annoyed.

I decide to sit on the curb and wait for my mum and Vance to come out. Tessa stays leaned up against the car.

"Are you just going to go back to the states then?" I ask

"Oh so now you want to have a normal conversation?" She questions.

"Alright fair don't answer then." I reply.

"I figured I would stay here for a little while." She says.

"You won't be able to see me." I tell her.

"You don't get to have visitors?" She asks.

"No not right away." I reply

I'm surprised she would even want to stay.

Vance and my mum come out and my mum looks like she has been crying.

After ForeverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang