Chapter 11

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I pause when she asks me why I left without saying goodbye. I realize this is going to be one of many questions I either have to lie to save her or tell her the truth and see what that means for us.

If I want to show her I changed I can't lie to her anymore. I just can't.

I finally reply to her question. " I did say goodbye you just never got to read it."

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I knew you were going to move to Seattle if I was gone so I made a point to go see Vance before I left. And I gave him a letter that he said he would give you when you arrived in Seattle." I tell her

"I knew you were planning on leaving in 2 weeks so I looked at it as enough time for us both to process everything and have clearer heads if you chose to speak to me again."

"After 2 weeks came and went and I didn't hear from you, I called Vance he was honest he said I can't give Tessa the note."

He proceeded to tell me how from an outsiders view he had to do what was right and protect you and to do that he couldn't give you the note.

Now I don't know what happened to it I just know you never got it. And if I wasn't so fucked up when I first got to London I probably would have rewritten it and just sent it to you in the mail.

After that I cut Vance off and haven't talked to him since. Even tonight I couldn't look in his direction. Which the old Hardin would have confronted him.

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