Chapter 62

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What just happened?

I just feel numb. My first instinct was to get out of there as fast as I could. But I have so many questions and my head is reeling.

And I haven't even allowed myself to believe what the test said. And I know he is going to see it....but even then I don't care. I have to tell myself — I want nothing to do with him.

And he hid is life and apparently his girlfriend back home. So this is up to me...on my own.

Except...I'm pregnant. Holy shit I'm pregnant.

And yes my immediate thought was Easton. But we were always so careful. Where as Hardin and I weren't. And from my last period it has to be Hardins because Easton was on a business trip up until the night before Landon's wedding and we didn't do anything. In fact it had been a few weeks. We never had that same passion Hardin and I had.

I'm scared....I didn't think I would be a mom just yet. Let alone a single one. I know one thing though I don't want anyone to know. And I hope to god Hardin doesn't say anything to anyone.

When I arrive at Landon's I feel like I don't even know how I just got there. My head is in such a fog from everything and I don't think I have stopped crying since I left the hotel. But I really don't want Landon or Dakota to know anything so I flip the mirror down in the car and try to throw some foundation on under my eyes so they don't look super puffy. I don't think I did a very good job covering them up but hopefully they don't notice I have been crying.

When I get in luckily the lights are out and they are sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey Tessa!" Dakota says.

"Hey guys!" I reply back trying to sound chipper.

"Do you want to come watch this movie with us?" Landon asks.

"I'm kinda tired so I think I am going to go lay down" I reply.

I throw my stuff to the ground when I get into the room and I throw myself onto the bed into my pillow.

All these thoughts are flooding my brain..when I finally let it go to the fact that I'm pregnant...

I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with a guys baby who lives in another country. I'm pregnant with a guy who has cancer. I'm pregnant with a guy who has a girlfriend. A fucking girlfriend. Oh and I just ended an engagement with a different guy.

I don't think it could sound much worse.

He must have seen the test because the next thing I know I am getting woken up by him because he keeps calling me and I keep ignoring the calls. I'm not even sure when or how I fell asleep.

There is a knock on my door followed by "hey something going on with you and Hardin he keeps calling me. I haven't answered yet I figured I would talk to you first."

I open the door and let Landon in "We ended whatever it is that we were...and I'm not  talking to him" I reply.

My phone rings again and Landon grabs it to answer it.

"Hardin..she doesn't want to talk man." He says into the phone.

Landon walks out of the room with my phone. They both continue to yell.

Landon comes back in and hands me my phone.

"He was yelling a lot but it seems like he really wants to talk to you but I think I got him to give it up until at least the morning." Landon says.

"I'm sorry that you had to be involved." I say.

"Tessa, you know I am always here for you." Landon replies.

The next morning I wake up with the thought that I have a little life inside me. And as sad as I am, I am feeling a sense of happiness for this baby regardless of the circumstances.

I am also expecting more calls from Hardin to flood through but nothing.

I also have slept later than I normally do and when I finally leave my room it's well into the afternoon.

I walk into the kitchen and Landon and Dakota are eating lunch. "He hasn't bothered you anymore has he?" I ask Landon.

"No. But I just got off the phone with Ken and he said Hardin is at the airport." He says.

I think my heart sank to the floor in that moment. He knows and he is still leaving....

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