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Yeosang's POV

"What do you want to eat?" Mom asked glancing at me. I stared out of the window deep in thought.

"Yeosang?" She asked looking at me then back at the road.

"Is it him?" I asked looking at her. She paused before smiling.

"Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about?" She asked stopping at the red light and looking at me.

"Before I left. Whenever I was there you were always meeting someone. One day I saw who you were meeting." I mumbled turning on my phone.

"Yeosang, I don't know who you are talking about." She chuckled as she continued to drive.

"Stop saying that. It's him isn't it? Is he the one who keeps telling you to act this way with me?" I asked slowly looking her way. She get quiet biting her lip.

"Is it?" I asked still staring at her, waiting for her response.

"Yeosang, i'm doing this for a reason. Doing this might help your situation, you should be thanking him." She sighed.

"What help would it bring me? Would it help me forget what happened? Or will it help me forgive dad? Oh, it must be helping me forgive you." I smiled.

"Yeosang, don't start this." She whispered.

"Oh, you must think it would help me forgive you for what you did. Then let me tell you, it won't. I will never forgive you for what you did to me. If you would've never told me that Seonghwa hyung wanted to forget me then maybe I would have been a little more sane, but no, you ruined it." I smirked looking for a reaction out of her.

"Shut up, Yeosang! Just shut up!" She yelled with tears in her eyes. I stared at her for a while before looking the other way.

Time skip

The car came to a stop at a jail center, all ready knowing where we were, I looked at her in shock. "Get out." She mumbled. I grabbed her hand shaking my head with speed.

"Please, no. Not now." I mumbled as she unbukled my seat belt.

"Yeosang, out." She whipered removing my hand from hers. She opened my door pulling me out.

"Mom, p-please. I-I can't see him." I whispered as the lump in my throat came to me suddenly.

"Let's go." She smiled grabbing my hand and slowly walking me into the jail house. After taking a lot of turns and stairs below ground level, we finally made it to the room where my father sat there smiling at me.

I froze as my memories flashed in my head of that night. "Yeosang, come on." She smiled sitting me down in front of him.

"Yeosang, you grew up into such a handsome boy. How have you been?" He asked smiling brightly at me.

"W-Why are you so h-happy?" I asked staring him in the eyes. He slowly dropped his smile and leaned in to me slightly.

"I get to see my son before I pass on." He chuckled. I pause and look at my lap.

"Are you close to the date of your execution?" I asked. He nod looking at my mother.

"Do you have any type of questions for me?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah, Yeosang might-"

"Why did you do it?" I asked earning everyone's attention.

"What? Yeosang, don't say that." Mother whispered pinching me slightly.

"No, it's fine." He smiled. "I personally, don't remember since I was drunk, but I do deeply regert it." He sighed. I rolled my eyes as I looked away from him.

"Yeosang, i am really sorry. And I hope you forgive-"

"You killed my best friend." I whispered.

"I know. But that was years ago, just please for-"

"You want me to forget?!" I yelled standing up. "I still hear him! I am still suffering and you want me to forget?! I can't even look at you the same or even fogive you, so don't you dare act like I still want something to do with you." I glared as mother tried to calm me.

"Yeosang." He whispered hurtly.

"You don't desrerve to say my name." I glared and stormed out heading to the car.

Yunho's POV

I sat on the outer seat staring at the plate of food but soon caught the attention of Hongjoong staring at me. I smiled eating a fry slowly ignoring the horible feeling in my stomach.

"Yunho, you're eating like you hate the food." Hongjoong whispered causing everyone to look at me. Seonghwa turn towards me pouting.

"Do you not like it? Want me to buy you something else?" He asked.

"No, i'm good. I do like the food." I smiled biting a small bite of the burger. Mingi and Wooyoung smiled chuckling silently.

"That's right seonghwa, He don't want your money." Mingi laughed. Seonghwa shook his head as Hongjoong continued to stare at me.

"Could I use the bathroom?" I asked. Everyone frowned at me weirdly.

"Why shouldn't you? it's not like your not in jail or anything." Wooyoung smirked.

"I know someone who was." Mingi chuckled causing him and Wooyoung to laugh in sync.

"You guys are too much." San mumbled looking up from his colorig page.

"Finally paying attention?" Jongho asked looking at San's picture.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom running into a stall and releasing the food I had just eaten. I sat there for a while before gettingup and flushing the toliet. I sighed and washed my mouth and hands.

"Thought so." I heard Hongjoong mumble. I turned around and came eye to eye with him as he leaned on the dirty wall.

"Hongjoong, it's not what you think." I whispered.

"Yunho, why don't you eat?" Hongjoong asked lifting one eye brow.


"Yunho doesn't eat?" Seonghwa asked walking in the bathroom slowly. Hongjoong looked at him as he looked at me.

"I-I do." I whispered. hongjoong sighed and walked up to me.

"You didn't eat breakfast and lied to us about it and nowyou're throwing up rightafter eating two fries and a small bite of burger? Sure you don't" He mumbled handing me a pack of crakers.

"At least eat some crakers." He sighed, turning towards Seonghwa. "Why did you come too?" He asked.

"I wanted to tell you that Yeosang texted Jongho and said that he was back at the house." Seonghwa mumbled looking between us both.

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