Love & Lies-Chapter 2

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Love & Lies

Chapter 2

                When Jaie took me home, I went straight to my room. My parents were already fighting, and I really didn't want any part of that. I opened up my closet, grabbing a black short torn-up dress. But first, I slid on a pair or red tights with a hole in the knee. After the dress was on, the shoes were next to come. I grabbed my ankle length black dress shoes. They were my mom's back when she was in high school, so they're pretty old. However, I love vintage clothing. It's like bringing a part from the past here to the present.

                A loud slam made my head snap up. I finished with my makeup and put two fake-pearl necklaces around my neck, then ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I didn't find much; just my mom standing in the kitchen with her hand on her hip and the other holding her small head. Her eyes were closed as she cried. "Mom?"

                Her head snapped up and she looked at me from across the room. My mother and I have never had that good of a relationship. I've always been a daddy's girl. My mom thinks my dad spoils me.

                I looked around. "Where's dad...?"

                She shook her head slowly. "Alice, your father has left us. I'm so sorry."

                My jaw clenched as I tried to process what she had just said. "Bye."

                "Where do you think you're going?!" She shrieked and I cringed, but ignored her. "Don't you dare walk out on me, too!"

                I turned around. "Mother! Will you shut the hell up?! I'm not walking out! I'm going to the bonfire."

                "...With Jaie?"

                I nodded. "And Kelsey, as well as everybody else."

                She turned around. "Have fun."

                I left.


                "Alice! You came!" Kelsey screamed as she ran towards me with a big grin on her face. She rammed into me, knocking us both down in the dirt. The bonfire was at an abandoned car lot and we were all in the back lot of it. All of the town's high scholars were here at the bonfire to have a good time, and a break from reality. We've always had a bonfire at the beginning of summer and the end of summer, but not everybody could come to the one that was scheduled at the beginning of summer, so they made this one.

                "Of course I came," I laughed and hugged her, then stood up. She stood up and brushed the dirt off of her pants. "What else is there to do on a Sunday night? What a great time to get wasted, right?"

                Just as I said that, Jaie came back to me and he had two beer cans in his hand. He kissed my cheek and handed me my beer. I opened it and took a large drag. "Hey, there are some benches over there; you want to go hang out over there?"

                I smiled. "Sure. Kelsey? You want to come?"

                She made a face. "Not if you two are just going to make out and get high. I mean, I like the 'getting high' part, but I really don't want to watch you two get it on."

                "We won't," I rolled my eyes and looked up at Jaie. "And we're not going to get high 'til later. So..."

                "Well, Okay," She said and went over to a cooler that was set up on a table. Other people were surrounding the cooler and lying on the dirty grass. Jaie took my hand and led me over to the bench, where Daniel and Suzanne were flirting. "Hey!"

                I looked up at Kelsey, who had now joined us, and smiled. I scooted over and patted the piece of wood next to me-Kelsey sat down. "Where's Nate?"

                Kelsey looked at me with a questioning look. "Who?"

                I laughed. "Tall guy, black hair, dark eyes?"

                She took a sip of her beer. "Doesn't ring a bell."

                "What? You dated him for two days."

                "That's why I don't remember Nathaniel Henry Joule."

                I stared at her. "Are you being sarcastic?"

                She looked at me, rolling her eyes. "Noooooo."

                I laughed again.

                This is how things went for the next two hours. We sat around on the benches drinking, passing cigarettes back and forth between each other. At one point I ended up on Jaie's lap, making out and laughing. Kelsey eventually threw up because of all the beer she drank. My hair was once wavy and up in a pony tail, but it was pulled out and I was thrown on the dirt.

                "Bloody hell!" I yelled, holding my head from being so dizzy. My eyes roamed until I saw a girl standing there. "Do I know you?"

                My words slurred.

                "Veronica!" Jaie jumped up from the bench and leaned down to help me up, before turning back to the girl.

                "Veronica?" I asked him, holding onto his polo shirt.

                "My ex-girlfriend," He whispered and glared at 'Veronica.'

                "Veronica, what are you doing here?"

                She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at me. She had light colored eyes and she had fire-red hair, something that always got on my nerves. You could tell that it was dyed. What a fake whore.

                "I'm here to take you back. I've made up my mind," She said and stepped forward.

                Jaie instinctively pulled me closer. "I dumped you, Veronica. Get that through your head."

                She screamed. "No! I let you go! I got rid of you! I changed my mind, Jaie!"

                I narrowed my eyes. I really didn't like her talking to Jaie like that. He was mine. My boyfriend. Not to sound so obsessive, but he is my everything. I may have only known him for a short period of time, but we're been spending a lot of time together.

                "You need to leave."

                People were starting to gather around the three of us. Veronica standing on one side of the crowd; Jaie and I on the opposing side. Things were starting to get interesting, as you can see.

                "Not 'til you take me back."

                I butt into the conversation. "Back off bitch."

                She gasped and ran up to me, pulling me to the ground. My hands reached up and smacked her face. We were both rolling on the ground, switching positions constantly. I could hear yelling and screaming, but all of my focus was on Veronica. My fist connected with her face and she yelled out, kicking my in the leg and pulling my hair. That was what caused me to cry out.

                I could hear a gunshot, and my vision blurred before I realized that somebody had just fired a gun shot. I gaped, and was pulled up by Jaie. Veronica was on the ground with a bloody nose and a pretty damn good black eye. Her cheek was bright pink and I could feel my own cheek stinging. I reached up and before I got to my cheek, my fingers brushed along my lip. Blood, great.

                "Everybody, get out of here!"

                I looked up into the eyes of my horrific uncle. Oh lord.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2011 ⏰

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