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"Hey Brahman! that bow will not itself get up and shoot at the target for you by your chants, you need to lift it and do it yourself do not rely on your mantras for that" said Duryodhan and everyone laughed at this, the Brahman looked offended but left it with a smirk. He wanted to show them his ability not his words.

He went near the bow and after some concentration put his hand on the bow and lifted it with ease and tied the sting to it. He went to the arrow with which he had to shoot at the target, placed it on the bow and took his aim. With the way he took his position, everyone noticed that there was something really different in him which is generally not seen in a normal Brahman anywhere.

He chanted some prayers and let the arrow go in the air, Draupadi's heart was pounding really fast, she was too anxious, but the Brahman was confident with his aim. The arrow went straight in the direction of the fish placed and pierced its eye with utmost perfection. The family of Panchal seemed pleased and Panchali was overwhelmed at this.

Draupadi and The Brahman were too much lost in each others eyes to see the happenings of the outer world. Draupadi came back to the world when Shikhandini her sister tugged her at the shoulder and asked her to garland the Brahman. Draupadi got up from her seat and gracefully walked down the dais towards the tall man who stood in front of her. His eyes are too mysterious and I need to find all that is hidden  in there thought thought fire born.

She picked up the garland and put it around the man's neck, still his smile did not fade. Then the Brahman lifted another garland and put it around Draupadi's neck. His hand touched her neck and she felt like she had never felt before, the contact was a brief one but still it was like magic on her. She felt excited and at peace too, she had already started feeling very secure and safe around him. 

Suddenly a loud voice interrupted this beautiful moment of a man and his woman not completely but atleast partially.

"This is true disgrace, Maharaj Drupad if you really wanted to disgrace us here by marrying your daughter to a Brahman then you could have done so in a war why did you have to call us here, at a swayamvar to do all this?" shouted the eldest of the Kauravas, Duryodhan.

"This was just a challenge Prince, and just to find a worthy person for my daughter, and the worthy person is this Brahman right over there, and the same would have happened if any prince  would have won this then the same treatment would have taken place and I am sure that you would not have said this that time, then why right now Prince?" Maharaj Drupad.

"All this disgrace on us is because of your daughter, so all the Kings and Princes are you with he to destroy the princess and that Brahman?" Duryodhan asked from all the people present over there.

"Yes we are with you, this is a true insult indeed, let's kill them" shouted King Jayadrath.

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