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"Challenge accepted" said Draupadi.

Though she had accepted it with all her confidence but she was not at all sure about it.

She was eagerly waiting for that Brahman to come forward and finish task but it seemed that he was not willing to come forward. She looked at her Govind. He looked back and nodded his head understanding her feelings. 

"I think King Drupad that you should invite the Brahmans to participate too, maybe a Brahman is a able to do what a Kshatriya could not" said Krishna looking at the father of Draupadi.

"But would that be a wise option? What if no one is even able to lift the bow from them also?" asked a curious Drupad.

"Just follow my advice King" said Vasudev.

"I invite all the Brahmans present here to take part in the swayamvar of my daughter if anyone thinks that they are capable to win the hand of my daughter may come forward" he announced to everyone present there.

Draupadi's heart was beating really fast, she had refused Karn but what if the young Brahman did not come forward. She had seen him enter the hall but after that she could not find him. 

"Maharaj Drupad do you think that Kshatriyas present here could not do, the Brahmans would do, you are such a funny man Vasudev Krishna" said shisupal, the sworn enemy of Krishna.

"Of course they can do what Kshartiyas cannot do, like they can perform sacrifices of which I am sure no ksahtriya can do, they recite vedic chants which we khatriyas rarely know and if you want more examples I will give you as many as you want after the swayamvar is over" said Vasudev.

Shisupal's face was red with shame, everyone knew that he had not been insulted thus before in presence of so many people. Even Panchali laughed at this statement. Her soft giggles filled the hall and that brought more shame to Shishupal and he left the hall at that very moment.

Suddenly a loud voice filled the hall:

"Can I try my luck to win the princess" came the voice from the side of the Brahmans, the voice was owned by a very young Brahman who was none other than the one the princess of Panchal had seen on her visit to the temple. The youth came forward and saluted all the elders present there. She was afraid that her heartbeat might be heard by everyone but no one seemed to notice it so she calmed a bit.

 She was afraid that her heartbeat might be heard by everyone but no one seemed to notice it so she calmed a bit

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The youth looked up at her and smiled, she blushed and returned the smile back to him. He was looking confident in every possibly way. The most striking thing about him was the way he walked he looked like no Brahman but a true prince. Draupadi could not take her eyes from him nor could he from her. 

The youth moved towards the bow, and saluted it with some chants.

"Hey Brahman! that bow will not itself get up and shoot at the target for you by your chants, you need to lift it and do it yourself do not rely on your mantras for that" said Duryodhan and everyone laughed at this, the Brahman looked offended but left it with a smirk. He wanted to show them his ability not his words.

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