Chapter 1

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I was waiting in the airport for my plane to be ready. Honestly, I'm not psyched about this whole England thing. Sure it's a top school, but England? I just hate it there. I'm going to have to deal with the accents for about four years.
After that, I get to decide if I want to continue my studies there or go back to America.
"Plane to Brighton, first class being boarded now." The lady who checked the tickets yelled.
I got up, the school offered to pay for my trip with all luxuries included.

I got up and the lady checked my ticket, then she told me to move on. I walked through the little boarding bridge, I felt a bit claustrophobic due to the small space. I reached my area and realized I was gonna be fine. It was pretty roomy, it even had a small t.v. I didn't want to listen to it though, I was going to a college that was more for the arts.

My major right now was graphic design, nothing to special to me, but people said my deigns were high quality. I yawned as I sat back and tried to fall asleep. Although I knew I wouldn't, I'm an insomniac. I maybe sleep about four or five hours.

"Sir, can I get you anything to eat or drink from the menu?" I looked up to see a lady with a little notepad. I looked at the menu real quick and nodded. "What do you recommend?" I asked. "Hmm, probably the strawberry milkshake and the párfiti pasta." I nodded and she was off.

I took out my headphones and my little chrome book. I decided to do some drawing, since I was offline and bored. I closed my eyes and picked the first thing the came to mind. A person with a gun up to the wall threatening to shoot it if they don't get their applesauce because this is key art right here. Yes, I have been offered therapy, haven't we all?

My mind started to blur and my hands moved on their own. Before I knew it, I already had a general sketch down.

"Your food, sir." I looked up to see a different woman. I let out a small hum, the lady was then off. I started to eat my food and what do you know? It actually tasted pretty good.

I continued on with my art. I started to do the proper lining for it. Then it was time to color, this part I hated and liked the most. I started spacing out, letting autopilot take over in my brain. I looked out the window and saw all the clouds.

They distracted me from my art and before I knew it, I had added an anime face to the wall, why? Because I am sleep deprived and I've been living off of monster for the past day.

I sighed and started to listen to music in my headphones. I was always the time for coffee house or soft music. It made me calm, well as calm as I get.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving in two hours." The pilot said over the intercom.
I looked at the time and saw it was 5:37 am. I stayed up all night listening to the music and still haven't fallen asleep.
Jet lag is gonna get me soon.

| Two hours later |

The plane reached the destination finally, my uncle, who lived here, came to drop me off at my new apartment.

"Hey, you should check out the cafe and park down the road sometime, they're pretty good."
He said, as I opened the door to leave the car. I let out a hum, before heading up to my room.

I got to the room and fell right asleep in my bed.


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