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   Honestly, I don't remember how I got to my room or who brought me here

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   Honestly, I don't remember how I got to my room or who brought me here. Attempting to get up, I curse out in agony. Every move I make, I'm reminded of all the torture my poor body has endured. I feel so fragile, I'm surprised that I'm not broken yet. Every time I blink it feels as if my eyelids were heavy weights, and like the world was slowed down. Everything feels to be going at a turtle pace except for my mind. My brain is going a mile a minute; thoughts here, thoughts there.  It's all too much for me to handle. All of it is causing me to have a throbbing headache. I lay back down, physically and mentally unable to stay conscience.

   "Jimin-ah. Wake up." A gentle hand shakes my shoulder. I open my eyes to surprisingly see Seokjin, the man who styled me for the meeting. Honestly, I was expecting to see Mingi not Jin.  He smiled warmly at me before helping me up. He told me to hold onto the wall for balance since I physically can't stand up on my own properly. "What is happening?" Genuinely confused, I peer up to him waiting for his response. A small smirk made its way onto his handsome features, making me flinch at the contrast.  "Nothing too special. He's taking you with him to meet up with a business partner."  I frown at his answer.  "Why is he taking me with him?"  Apparently my question was dumb because he looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  "Cause you're his pet basically. His prized possession and arm candy."  The fact that he called me V's pet so nonchalantly scares me.  "Any more questions?" He asks with a smile, but I could tell from his tone that he actually wants me to shut up. Tentatively I shake my head no.  "Good."  I watch as he makes his way towards the wardrobe that I often forget about. Usually I stick to the more comfortable clothes in the small dresser next to my bed.  Finally he pulled some items out and spread them on the bed. 

    When trying to begin undressing, my hand was smacked away with a quickness

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    When trying to begin undressing, my hand was smacked away with a quickness.  "Stop, I'll do it. That's what I'm here for." That's all he had to say for me to comply. His fingers worked quickly, pulling at my clothing with such speed and grace. Soon I was stripped down to only the panties I was told to wear. Even though Seokjin appeared unfazed, I couldn't help but slightly curl back in embarrassment. I bet I look disgusting. My body is littered in cuts and bruises, especially my backside. The welts from the whippings are still all over my ass, thighs and back. He began dressing me, lifting my limbs in different directions to make it easier for him. I felt like a barbie doll that was getting dressed by it's owner. It's just so weird, I would've never thought I would be in this type of situation.  "We're done with the clothes and accessories, so time for hair and makeup." He helped me sit on the vanity stool. I relax into the comforting hands of Seokjin. His fingers raked through my hair before brushing out the few tangles. I noticed that it grew longer, reaching chin level. Makes sense since I haven't gotten a haircut in weeks. Jin reaches in the vanity drawer, pulling out a curling wand and a rat tail comb. I watch him part my hair into sections, curling them with much expertise. Each curl fell, framing my face perfectly. When he finished curling every section, he took the brush and brushed them out. The finished product being a beautiful heap of messy waves, a fluffy halo.  "You're already so pretty so we won't give you much makeup. I just need to conceal some cuts and marks on your face. Then I'll maybe put on blush, a little eye shadow and gloss." I hum in response, not really caring what he did. The whole process was so soothing that I never wanted it to end. How he lightly dusted a soft peachy pink color onto my cheeks and a wash of mocha on my eyelids. The way he applied the gorgeous, sparkly gloss on my lips.  "All done." Jin told me with a smile. He looked at me with a satisfied expression. Probably just admiring his own work. I gaze longingly at my reflection, taking in my own beauty. Damn, I look stunning. Jin was even gracious enough to conceal any other marks and scars on my body that were revealed by my outfit.   "You look astonishing doll." I tense up when I hear his voice.  "I compliment you and you don't even have the decency to reply."  Without glancing up, I stutter out a response.  "T-thank you.".  "Thank you Jin but you can go now." A cold shiver ran through my body once he dismissed the other male. There are no words that can truly describe how much I loathe being left alone with this monster. I felt his presence coming closer to me. His whole aura was terrifying, there was nothing welcoming about him. Flinching when I feel his long fingers drag against my shoulders, he squeezes them as if to say 'stay still'.   "You are to come with me to this meet up. I expect you to be on your best behavior. Do not speak unless I say that you can, and always stay by my side." He talked to me as if I were a misbehaved child. I nod, letting him know that I understand.  "You're a big boy right? I suggest you use your words.".  "Y-yes I understand.".   "Such pretty lips but doesn't know how to use them." He mumbles, more to himself than to me.

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