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    The meeting ended, finally allowing me to rest

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    The meeting ended, finally allowing me to rest. So here I am now, stuck in this hell. I'm still pissed about what happened during the meeting. That mother fucker really hit me. I wanted to claw his eyes out in that moment. However, I couldn't because he would probably do something horrible to me for stepping way out of line. What can I do now but sit here and sulk? Sitting on "my" bed, that's when the tears really poured out. I mean, full on ugly crying.  My life sucks ass, it always has. I feel so abandoned, I mean everyone in my life has abandoned me or was fake. Once my parents found out that I was gay, they kicked me out. They left me to my abusive boyfriend taking me in with him. Thankfully, I ended up escaping that hell hole a few years ago. Now here I am, my supposed friends are a part of the reason why I'm stuck here.  Suddenly the door opens.   "Hey Chim." Says my so called "best friend".   Glaring at the male, I spit  "What do you want!" Venom laced in my voice.  I watch as he flinched at my harshness.  "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." The red head explains, coming closer to me.   "Sorry for what? Taking me out so that I can be kidnapped and imprisoned here! I don't want your lousy ass apology Jung Hoseok!" I snap, tears flowing heavily down my rosy cheeks.   The aforementioned pulls me into a hug.  "Get off me!" I yell, attempting to yank his arms off of me.    "Shh, I suggest you stop yelling. There are cameras and mics everywhere and if V were to hear that you were throwing a fit your ass would be dead. Now shut up and listen to me." Hoseok whispers into my ear while still hugging me.  I nod, to scared now to make allot of noise.   "So to explain, I didn't want this to happen. Apparently when V visited the tattoo parlor and met you, he told Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi  that he wants you immediately. When this news got to me I was devastated Jimin. However, I work for him so my life was on the line if I didn't do it. I was thinking maybe I could just help you out while you're here." Hoseok explains, letting go of me.   "I understand, but I don't forgive you just yet." I tell him and he nods.  "But tell me one thing, what are you guys exactly?" Once I asked this the male in next to me smirked.   "We're a mafia group called Reign. V is the leader obviously but Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon and I are his right hand men. In Reign there are different groups and sectors that are for accomplishing different tasks." He explains with much seriousness.   "Ok. What do the different sectors do?" I ask with genuine curiosity.  "Well, I don't know if you really want to know what we do here. It might trigger you and I don't want that to happen." The male tells me, concern in his eyes.    "Just tell me the gist, you don't have to explain in detail." I suggest, desperate to know something.   He looks at me and sighs before speaking again. "Alright, fine. There is a department that cultivates and sells all types of drugs. Another department is where we sell organs on the black market. One of our biggest departments is sadly prostitution." I look at my best friend with shock.  "That's horrible. How did you end up in this dark business?"  He chuckles, "Yeah it's very terrifying being in this business. As for how I ended up here, that's a story for another day."       If I even last that long.    "I have to go now Jiminie. Please don't do anything stupid ok." My friend pleads before leaving me alone. Being alone again right now is different because of the information I just received. Now I'm left with a bunch of questions just festering in my brain.  When I thought of the mafia I did think of drug cartel and stuff but not really prostitution or organ dealing. I'm sure there are other disturbing things they do that I don't want to know about. Now that I think about it, no one has told me my reason for being here. They only tell me that V wanted me here. What could he have wanted me for? Wait-                    Suddenly I feel a surge of panic rush through my body.  Does he want to make me a prostitute or sell me to sex trafficking?  Fuck, what if that's the reason why he wanted me?  Maybe that's why no one has told me the real reason why I'm here.  I feel as my heart beats at an unnatural pace. Oh fuck I need to calm down.  "Jimin breathe." I whisper to myself, taking in a deep breath. Eventually I relax myself, which eased my body and lulled me to sleep.

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