I look back at Val only to see him extremely close now. My heart hammers in my chest. The feeling I got only getting worse.

The top pair of Val's arms reach up and grab my wrists, pulling me to my feet. While his second pair of arms slide up and down my sides and all over my body.

"Stop." I try to sound brave and unafraid, but my voice comes out small and weak. Tears start to gather in my eyes.

This can't be happening! Please someone save me.

"Baby doll don't cry. This will be fun~" he runs his hands through my newly restored (H/C) hair. His hands slide down to my cheeks then my neck. His hands then snake around my back and grab my ass.

I yelp in surprise. My yelp is cut off by his mouth on mine. I try to push him off but I can't. There's nothing I can do. I've never felt so helpless. Tears start falling down my cheeks, knowing there's nothing I can do to stop this man.

Free me. I'll take care of him. You know the words.

My shadow whispers in my mind.

When Valentino finally pulls away I take my chance.

Break the bonds
Free that which is made
From darkness and shadow
Break the bonds

The words roll off my tongue like a sickly sweet poison. The air in the room grows heavy. My eyes glow a threatening red and my body becomes covered in shadow. A wicked white smile plasters itself on my face.

Valentino steps back. I step forward, chains that once bound me falling away like flimsy paper. I rub my sore wrists and all my wounds heal.

I whistle, shrill and loud as if all of Hell could hear my cry. A pack of shadow wolves appear at my side.

"You better start running bug." I growl at Val, who stupidly hasn't moved.

He seems to come to his senses when he glances down at my shadow wolves then back at me, realizing just how badly he fucked up. He turns and sprints out the door probably to tell Vox. My laugh echoes down the hall as I follow him.

"Take out any body guards, leave the workers. Kill any who stand in your way." I send off my shadow pack and continue chasing Valentino.

The wolf in me is unhinged, my mind is racing a million thoughts a minute. The power flowing through my veins is strong enough to bring this whole building down on our heads.

"What's wrong Val~" I call down the hall. "I thought you wanted to play~"

I follow him through another door and we're in the main lobby of the porn studio. Vox and Velvet are standing there waiting for us. Velvet for once isn't on her phone.

With a blast of energy I sent Valentino flying into the wall opposite of us. My shadow pack rushes over and surrounds his fallen form. I take a second to look at the carnage my shadows have caused. Blood and bits of demons cover almost every inch of the lobby. My main shadow separates from me and stands by my side.

My clothes change into something more battle appropriate.

"Would want the fight to be unfair~" I laugh and launch myself towards Vox while my shadow goes for Velvet

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"Would want the fight to be unfair~" I laugh and launch myself towards Vox while my shadow goes for Velvet.

Vox ducks my first swing but my second manages to hit him in the chest. Sending him sliding back a bit but he's still on his feet. He lashes out sending a huge bolt of electricity in my direction. I jump out of the way causing the bolt to hit the wall and blow a huge hole in it.

I teleport behind him and kick his knees in. He falls to his knees. I go to kick his head but a bunch of wires wrap around my leg and pull me off my feet. My body is pumped full of electricity and I'm thrown through the front doors of the studio.

I slide along the ground until my back connects with the base of a street lamp. I gasp as the wind is knocked from my lungs. Vox makes his way out the doors, a pissed expression on his face.

"Ya know you're really annoying." He says.

"I get that a lot." I say and teleport behind him. He turns around and I punch his big flat head, causing a huge crack to appear in the center. I duck as he swings at me, going low I also kick his feet out from under him.

He falls to the ground and tries to grab my feet but I jump in the air and start levitating with my magic. My (F/C) tentacles sprout from the ground and start wrapping around the angered TV demon. With a flick of my wrist they hoist him to his feet.

My claws grow and I slash out across his chest, leaving four deep cuts that start spilling blood. Vox screams in agony and tries to force his way out of my magic.

"Next time don't take me from my territory FUCKER!!" I scream as I kick him in the chest and send him flying back towards the studio.

My shadow and shadow pack appear at my sides. I build up energy in my hands and send on final blast of energy towards the studio.

There's silence before the building starts to crumble and fall on top of the three defeated overlords inside.

When the dust clears, I take a deep breath and calm myself as my magic fades away. My shadows going back to the shadows. My claws returning to their original length.

The street is quiet, but one sound starts growing in my ears.

Radio static.


Date- 8-23-2020
Words- 1528

Hope y'all enjoyed that chapter. More action to come! So stay tuned.


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