36- Accusations

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A/N: there will be a song in this chapter but since the YouTube feature isn't working for me at the moment I've decided to post this chapter without the song instead of making y'all wait. If you wish to listen to the song it's called Clarity by Zedd.
It's a pretty great song I recommend giving it a listen.

On to the story!


"A shadow..." my eyes widen. I sit jump off my bed and rush to my desk. I flip through every photo I have of the battle scenes.

"A ha!" I pull out the picture I was looking for. At first glance there's nothing there, but on closer inspection there is a smudge of a shadow.

I use my magic to enhance the image. My heart drops. The shadow...


like me.

My blood begins to boil. "That two faced, back stabbing!" I take a deep breath and snap my fingers, summoning my shadow.

What do you need?

"Where were you?" I growl.


"Don't you 'm'lady' me! You're the one behind the attacks! Aren't you!"

I have done no such thing! I would never go behind my master's back!

"Cut the bullshit! This isn't the first time you've gone against me! You have both the power and motivation to pull something like this!"

You have no proof

I snap my fingers and the picture appears in front of us. I point to the shadow in the picture. "Look at that and continue to lie to me!"

It wasn't me

"Fine!" I snap my fingers and different shadows restrain my shadow. "I never should have let you become this powerful."


"This is the only way." I start summoning some light.

I am you! If you get rid of me you'll weaken!

I don't respond as I continue to grow the light in my palms.

Stop this!

I snap my fingers and summon my magic book. The book flips open and begins glowing. My shadow starts getting sucked towards the open book.

You are weak without me!

"Silence!" I shout and my shadow falls silent. Its glowing red eyes full of rage.

The bright light in my hands glows blindingly bright and my shadow slowly starts to fade. The magic holding it together seeping back into the book.

Once the shadow is completely gone the book snaps shut.

The light dims and the magic leaves my hands. I stumble a bit, feeling light headed. The shadow was right I feel weaker. I collapse on the floor and soon I'm lost to sleep.

-hours later-

Ugg my head!

Slowly I open my eyes and sit up. I grip my head as it pounds painfully. When the pain has passed I drag myself to my feet and look out my bedroom window. It's dark out, the building lights making the streets appear as though the sun never went down. But one look at the sky and it's clearly night time.

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