"W-well, I um, actually never," He lowered his head to hide his beaming red face, "k-kissed anyone before."

"I haven't either, but I guess I never really thought about it before." She twirled her finger through her hair.

Clester looked at his blushing friend. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Air looked into his sparkling green eyes. She didn't realize how cute Clester was, considering he was a clown and all.

Without either of them realizing, they slowly inched their way closer to each other. Clesters hands were gripping onto his pants while Airlaphree was lost in a trance. "B-RING" The lunch bell rang and snapped the two out of what they were about to do. The two of them casually went to their next class together as if nothing happened. This teacher was a real doozy. Jeremy was almost always never in the classroom, and just told the students to read the textbook.

Today he sat back in his chair, twiddling his fingers around a pen. Jeremy never gave them any Instructions on what to do that day, so the whole class goofed off. Air and Clester sat in the back of the classroom, trying to study through all the noise and ruckus. It was hard to concentrate, so Airlaphree dazed off to the front of the classroom. Something through her off guard when a small beaming light protruded through the teacher's desk. "What the?" She thought to herself. "What is that?" Jeremy quickly reached inside the drawer and shoved whatever was glowing into his pocket. He looked around the room suspiciously and left. Air's full focus was on Jeremy, so she got up to follow.

"Air? Are you ok? Where are you going?" Clester asked, following right behind her. She ignored him, following her prey. He led the two kids behind the school, and around the football field. Jeremy looked around to make sure no one was nearby, and pulled the light out of his pocket. "It's time for you to simmer down my precious, we wouldn't want anyone to find out about you." He held up a remarkable pink stone, swirled with baby blue sparkling circles above his head. "Your power is mine!" Air gasped and darted back towards the school, thumping her feet on the ground. Clester caught up to her, "Air, what was that?" He said panting.

"I can't explain but I have to go! I'll catch up with you later!" Leaving Clester behind, Airlaphree ran out of town to go find Dylan. He never showed up to class so she figured he could only be in one place. Air got to the old office building, skipped the elevator and ran down four flights of stairs. With only one thing on her mind. She busted through the door, causing herself to fly forward.

"What the hell?" Air recognized that voice, it had to be Bruce.

"I-" She panted, "Need," another breath of cold air escaped from her lips, "need Dylan!"

"Yo, Dylan!" Bruce picked her up and sat her on a chair. "Airlaphree's here!"

Everyone could hear the stomping from their leaders shoes as he stormed through the base. "What's going on!" He panicked.

Air stood to her feet, still panting. "I want to join Oculite!" She clenched her fist at her sides, trembling from the adrenaline running through her body.

Dylan smiled with relief, "I'm happy so hear that, Air." He made his way to her and encouraged her to sit back down. "I'll let the rest know."

"Dylan," Air quickly stated, "I think Jeremy has a stone!" She explained what happened previously.

"This is both great and terrifying news. We never had an encounter where someone found a stone. This is a first for everyone. Thank you Air."

Airlaphree took a nap on the couch there at the base while a couple hours passed by. Dylan was waiting patiently for everyone to stop in so he could explain the big plan. When everyone got there, Demora gently woke Airpahree up from her slumber. They chatted for a couple minutes before Dylan introduced Air to Pepper. He was rather on the short side, but stood tall and mighty. His eyes were sharp and almost an orange-brown color. His hair was buzzed on the bottom and longer on the top.

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