Where this flower blooms

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Love is not linear. It brims with unexpected twists and turns, heartaches and confusion. It can leave people fragmented and forever changed. It forcefully pushes and pulls people's lives together and leaves people broken and dependent. But experiencing it firsthand, Tay didn't get the chance to meditate on her yearning for Tyler. All she knew was that she wanted him. By any means. At all costs.

The scenery was beautiful. Drea wanted to stay present in this moment forever. The trees' leaves had an iridescence to them which made her stare in awe, she twisted her neck and shuffled her body in the most uncomfortable position just to catch an inexplicably beautiful shade of lime green hopeful that the burning sun could shine just right. She knew that she would probably never see it again making her sigh, realising the fleeting nature of these beautiful moments.

"You need to stop smoking that shit, it's fucking with your head too much, Drea" he chuckled.

Drea had a blank stare on her face and was looking in Tyler's direction. Tyler wasn't sure whether she was looking at him or the space between him and her. It was an awkward moment for Tyler but not for Drea. It's really hard to make a high person cringe, after all. Tyler laughed it off and Drea being high joined laughing way too hard for the context of the moment. This made Tyler laugh even harder and so his nervous laughter quickly became sincere.

This was the first calm moment they'd had in a while. Their individual lives were full of chaos and confusion but this was all just noise to them. They'd only met 3 weeks ago and they were already so closely acquainted. Sure enough, the circumstances of their meeting was as equally disastrous and messy as both of their lives.


Tyler's energy bounced around the walls of the venue he was performing at. The flashing lights emphasised the wild and spontaneous energy that was coursing through the crowd manifesting itself into violent mosh pits and zesty jumping. As he got to FUCKING YOUNG/PERFECT, the crowd began to calm from their musical climax. They sang disharmoniously along with Tyler. Whilst Tyler got to the bridge of FUCKING YOUNG he spotted a heated commotion in the front row.

In the center of it, a coily-headed girl stood.
Her evenly toned, deep, brown skin resembled the hues of coffee grounds. Light perspiration was evident on her skin as she yelled in the direction of a scrawny-looking teenager decked out in OF merchandise. Tyler obviously could not hear a word of what they were saying over the roaring music blasting through the venue therefore payed little attention, however that quickly changed when he saw the scrawny teenager and about 4 or 5 of his friends push the girl.


They turned their attention to Tyler with entertained faces and started cheering at the top of their lungs.


A dumbfounded look spread like a disease across each individuals face. The girl, who was now terribly embarrassed, just shifted in place uncomfortably. She cringed at the thought that she couldn't deal with these lanky-limbed, suburbanites going through a rebellious phase herself.

"In fact" he paused to take a few breaths, he was in the middle of a performance, after all and his asthma didn't help, "Jak", the head of security upstage, "get these niggas out of here, bro, so I can finish my damn performance" he continued into the microphone with a calmer tone.

Three men of enormous stature moved into the space where the six guys occupying, they were saying every imaginable cuss, swear and slur as they were pushed away from the crowd. One of them fell face first onto the floor trying to escape the grip of the security.

'Oops I guess he must've tripped over his privilege' the girl chuckled at her own thoughts.

With resistance, they disappeared through the exit of the performance.

"You good?" Tyler inquired pointing with 4 fingers in the direction of the coily-headed girl.

Coy, she nodded her head fiddling with the strap of her beige coloured Chanel bag. It was the only moderately expensive item she owned.

**time passes**
Tyler walked off the stage and into the wings as the crowd cheered energetically. He was handed a towel to pat himself dry of the sweat dripping off of his body. His best friend and hype man, Jasper, followed closely behind him. He aggressively yet playfully shook Tyler's shoulder,

"YO, THAT WAS SO FUCKING CRAZY! LOOK HOW MANY BRAS THEM WHITE BITCHES WAS THROWING." Jasper shouted, still bumbling with the energy of performing, swinging the bras like nunchucks.

"Nigga, what the fuck! Them shits smell musty as fuck get that shit out my face, dawg!" He instinctively backed away from Jasper as a disgusted expression played on his face.
Tyler's goofy and spirited laugh echoed throughout the backstage area. It was contagious and caused everyone in his vicinity to bust out laughing too. Tyler took the bright pink plunge bra and clipped it onto himself creating a second wave of laughter.

"Aight, when are we heading to the tour bus? I need a fucking shower bro,"

"Yeah nigga you musty as fuck."Jasper teased scrunching up his face.

Tyler rolled his eyes letting out a chuckle, "at least I'm cute."Before Jasper could reply, Taco, another one of Tyler's best friends, interrupted.

"Aight, I finished packing all my shit we can go now." He chuckled at the sight of Tyler in a bra. "You be doing the dumbest shit, I swear to God..."

*** Okay I promise I won't do this after every chapter lol I don't want to interrupt the flow of the story and I'll probably delete this little a/n after I've uploaded the first few chapters but please give me feedback. Tell me what you liked and didn't like, do you like the descriptive style I've chosen to go with or would you prefer a faster paced story? It would help a lot in terms of my motivation.

All we need is love (Tyler, The Creator fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now