Ohm smiled in surprise,

Ohm: are you practically obliged to me to always say these words? ...

Fluke took a spoon, cut a small piece of cake, ate it, and said.

Fluke: uhmnnm .... I'm forcing you ..

For Ohm, Fluke was being too cute, Ohm smiled on the corner of his lips when he saw the rest of the cake on Fluke's lips. Ohm with one of his thumbs touched Fluke's lips and wiped the cake that was on Fluke's lips, Fluke smiled a little at Ohm. An hour passed, they were still at the restaurant, Fluke looked out of the restaurant, and saw that it was starting to rain, Fluke looked at Ohm and said.

Fluke: we better go p'ohm .... It's raining ...

Ohm looked in the rain, worried, looked at Fluke.

Ohm: really .... We have to go ... Otherwise the rain can get stronger .... And we will not be able to get out of here ...

Fluke and Ohm got up and left the restaurant, they watched the rain, they didn't have an umbrella, so Ohm took the coat and put it over their heads, Fluke was startled when the coat was placed over his head, Fluke looked at Ohm Ohm looked at him with a smile.

Ohm: we don't have an umbrella, so let's run to my car like that, okay ...

Fluke was hugging himself with his arms because of the cold rain, he said.

Fluke: okay .....

Ohm counted to three, and they started running a little fast, but the wind was so strong that it made the coat fly, Ohm and Fluke were surprised when the coat ran out of Ohm's hands, the rain started to wet them both, Fluke didn't want to get wet, and he tried to run to Ohm's car, but Ohm pulled Fluke in one hand, and then immediately let go of Fluke's hand and grabbed the waist, the other also grabbed Fluke's waist and kissed Fluke, Fluke with the strength that Ohm made put both hands on Ohm's chest, and he was surprised by the kiss, he opened his eyes wide when he was kissed by surprise.

Ohm kissed Fluke in the rain, the kiss was full of love and affection, after a while Ohm left one hand on Fluke's waist, and the other one touched Fluke's back, while kissing Fluke's lips with passion, Fluke in the rain, responded to Ohm's kiss full of love, he touched Ohm's neck with one hand from behind, and continued to kiss Ohm's lips, his lips and his tongues were intertwining in the middle of the kiss, with so much love as the heavy rain fell over them.

"The two kissed without stopping in the middle of the heavy rain, which was falling over them both."

After two minutes of kissing, Ohm released Fluke's lips and looked into Fluke's eyes, with a look full of love touched Fluke's face, and said

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After two minutes of kissing, Ohm released Fluke's lips and looked into Fluke's eyes, with a look full of love touched Fluke's face, and said ..

Ohm: I love you so much ... You became everything to me overnight ... I want to be with you, and be able to kiss you all the time .. Ohm said these words, and touched Fluke's lips with the thumb ... I want to be able to be like this with you without anything stopping us ...

Fluke was listening to Ohm's words, instead of him being happy with those, words, he was sad, Fluke touched Ohm's face with both hands and said.

Fluke:  so we will stay like this forever ... Don't never leave me ... Let's tell everyone that we love each other ... Please ...

Fluke touched his forehead to Ohm's forehead and closed his eyes when he said the last words.

Ohm heard everything that Fluke said, he wanted to do that, but something was preventing him from doing it, with a sad look, he moved Fluke back a little and said 

Ohm: you know I can't .... At this moment, I still can't say anything to anyone ...

Fluke was sad when he heard these words from Ohm, walked away from him, he was a little angry but did not want to show Ohm.

Fluke: okay .... Let's not talk about this anymore .... I want to go home .... Can you take me now? ...

Ohm saw that Fluke was angry and hurt by him, came close to Fluke, touched Fluke's face with one hand, and touched his forehead to Fluke's forehead, and said.

Ohm: please don't be angry with me ... understand me .... I love you ... understand my reasons .... I know I'm being selfish, but wait just a little more .... Please my love.

Fluke was sad, and angry, but then he became calm, with both hands he also touched Ohm's face back, and with his eyes closed, he said.

Fluke: humnn ... Okay, I understand ... Fluke gave Ohm a soft kiss on the lips, and then gave Ohm a little kiss on the nose, moved his face back, with a look full of love ... I will wait these five months to pass ... Surely it will all end ...And we can be together, with nothing to stop us ..

Ohm with a gentle smile, rain still falling on them, he said

Ohm: Soon, this will all be over.

A week and five days have passed since this moment.

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