Chapter 10- The grand Deception

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"Yep that's me. Why?" Rory responded. He was surprised that John knew since he didn't have them on

"The rags have the ability to pass judgement upon others. So you can make the girl scout go through a crucible and maybe she'll change." John told Rory

"But Supergirl is basically a saint. What is there to judge." Ava argued

Rory simply responded with "'Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins' it's a passage in the Hebrew Bible. The rags judge by Jewish law not by the corrupt secular system."

"Alright I guess that is a start. Will start thinking about when to use it. We can't change the past but we can change the future" said Sara

We are now with Kara, Alex and J'onn . They are back stage at channel 52 since  Kara is about to have a debate about about the anti Supergirl movement.

"Kara, they're about to go live." J'onn told Kara

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Alex asked Kara in hopes that Kara would back down.

"It's not like you've ever been supportive about my choice to change the world." Kara told her harshly.

Alex felt hurt since she was just trying to help her sister so she told her "Listen Kara, Marcus Holt is a very knowledgeable guy. If you lose this debate you will probably be grilled by the media for weeks." Kara simply got up from her seat and said "Good thing that won't happen." followed by her walking on set and sitting down. (We have two separate podiums Kara on one and Marcus on the other. In front them a blonde woman who's name is Shannon who will be serving as the moderator.)

"Alright so we are here with Kara Danvers aka Supergirl and with have Star city's infamous political icon Marcus Holt. They will be discussing anti Supergirlism and if it's rational. We will have two opening statements then enter into a crossfire style debate. We will have Kara start things off." said Shannon

Kara replied "Well I just  wanna start by thanking everyone who allowed this to happen and without further delay I will be starting my case." she then cleared her throat and said "I started this political journey in hopes of getting justice for my cousin. Unfortunately some people oppose the idea that us superhero should work the government. At best they want us to work for the government as pets. The anti Supergirl movement shot up a plaza and vandalized a bank. That is the opposite of rationality, it's borderline terrorism. In fact there is no good argument against pro Supergirl because the idea I want to take control of the government is a conspiracy without evidence. I have put my life on the line for earth time and time again there is no reason for me to change." 

We now have Marcus an older black and chubby man with glasses. He started with "My name is Marcus Holt, I am a professor of political science at Star city University. I published a book a little after the National City plaza tragedy called 'There is far and there is too far'. Where I detail why anti Supergirl is a bad label. You see I'm anti political heroes. My colleague Sam Alexander published a  book called 'Where the conflicts lies.' He details how heroism should be detached from politics. Do I believe in anti Supergirl conspiracies? Absolutely not. My whole argument has been simply to separate our heroes  from politics." His whole demeanor being very formal

"Alright so now we need to move on to the crossfire debate." Shannon stated

"Well I'll just start with the fact that your whole argument gets dismantled the minute you consider that Oliver Queen was the mayor and the Green arrow at the same time." Kara argued

"Yes, but Oliver was never a true politician and this simply moves me to my secondary argument. If you are making the wrong call whose gonna stop you?" Marcus calmly stated 

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