54 (Hold Hand 3)

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Hikawa residence, living room.

Sayo is practicing her guitar meanwhile Hina is reading a book. Their parents coming home late today.

Hina:Nee, nee, Onee-chan.
Sayo:What it is?
Hina:There a page about "Holding Hands Can Bonds Relationship"

Sayo looks at Hina, blankly.

Hina:You and Tsugumi-chan had been dating for 1 months, right? But I don't see you guys holding hands.
Sayo:It is necessary to hold hands?
Hina:This page said that, it can make you become intimate with your partner. We always hold hands when we kids. That's why we boopin' close with each other now.
Sayo:Because we twin, yes.
Hina:You should try to hold Tsugumi-chan's hand, Onee-chan. I believe she will like it.


The next day, after school, CiCRLE.

There meeting about the next concert so all five bands are at lounge.


After the meeting,

Sayo at the corner of the room. Tsugumi see her and decide to have a talk to her.

Tsugumi:What are you doing here? Why are you not with Roselia?

Tsugumi:What are you doing here? Why are you not with Roselia?Sayo:

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Sayo:///So..sorry, I not used to hold hands...

They blushing so hard while fidgeting their own hold hands. They don't know that Moca, Hina and Lisa look at them.

Moca:Sayo-san so bold~
Hina:That's my Onee-chan!

SayoTsugu/TsuguSayo 2Where stories live. Discover now